Chapter 13: Peril and Cleaning

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**Emergency Alert System (EAS) Broadcast:**

**Attention all residents of Siril:**

This is an urgent and dire message. The government of Siril is issuing a state of extreme emergency due to the unprecedented surge in heinous crimes, including gruesome murders, and the emergence of a malevolent cult known as the Followers of Darkness.

As chaos spreads its tendrils across our region, several towns have fallen victim to this evil influence, succumbing to darkness and chaos.

Effective immediately, a strict curfew is enforced from evening until midday. It is imperative that you DO NOT venture outside during these dangerous hours. Only authorized personnel from emergency services, law enforcement, and the military are allowed to be active during curfew.

If you witness any individuals displaying erratic behavior, preaching ominous doctrines, or engaging in acts of violence, DO NOT engage with them. Immediately contact the designated emergency hotline (555-123-4567) and remain hidden until help arrives.

We cannot overstate the severity of this situation. The darkness that grips our region is relentless and insidious. Take all necessary precautions to protect yourself and your loved ones. Failure to comply with curfew orders will result in severe repercussions.

Our legendary protectors, Reshiram and Zekrom, have been deployed to confront this malevolence, but their efforts may be challenged by the depth of this darkness. We implore every citizen to follow government mandates and prioritize safety above all else.

Businesses and operations are restricted to the hours of 12:00pm to 4:00pm. Any violations will be met with strict consequences.

This is a time of unprecedented crisis. Stay vigilant. Stay indoors. Obey all directives.

Situation. Instruction. Response. Innovate. Loyal.

**End of broadcast**

As the EAS broadcast ended, one of the countless residents of Siril sat glued to the television, his heart racing with fear at the ominous warning. Suddenly, loud banging echoed from his front door, startling him into action. He rushed to barricade the door with furniture, desperate to keep the dangerous intruder out.

The banging intensified, accompanied by a frenzied voice outside the door, shouting, "Darkness is salvation! Let me in, and I'll show you! You'll thank me!" The resident's fear heightened as he realized the danger he was facing.

Despite his efforts, the intruder managed to break through the barricade and burst into the room, covered in blood and emanating a terrifying aura. The resident's screams of horror were abruptly cut off as the intruder lunged at him, leaving the outcome to the imagination.

Meanwhile, at the Altaria guild, Alex and Elton were busy cleaning while Guildmaster Altaria solemnly informed everyone about the unsettling news spreading throughout Siril.

Amidst their shared frustration over having to clean the guild, which stemmed from Elton's ill-fated attempt at a light-hearted prank involving a knock-knock joke with the guildmaster, Alex and Elton diligently worked on tidying up the main hall.

As they scrubbed and dusted, Guildmaster Altaria's strong voice filled the room, cutting through the tension. With an intimidating aura, Altaria addressed the increasing crime rates in Siril. The president had issued a decree for every guild to be on active duty, operating around the clock.

Altaria clarified that only Silver and Gold rank teams were permitted to operate at all hours, while Bronze and lower ranks would follow a schedule designated by Farfetch'd. Gold-rank teams, on the other hand, had unrestricted freedom to venture out whenever necessary.

The gravity of the situation weighed heavily on everyone as they absorbed Altaria's words, understanding the seriousness of the mandate and the increased responsibilities placed on them.

As Elton expressed his thoughts to Alex about the new work hours, mopping away energetically, Alex, too, was intrigued by the changes while diligently cleaning the wall.

Just then, both of them received a sudden whack to the head from Farfetch'd's leek, accompanied by the stern command to focus on work instead of chatting.

After Farfetch'd left, rubbing his head from the hit, Alex couldn't help but wonder aloud why Farfetch'd was always so grumpy. Elton, trying to lighten the mood, jokingly remarked that the rumor around the guild was that Farfetch'd's grumpiness stemmed from his inability to evolve, and the only way to evolve was to perform the "Farfetch'd hula moves of evolution" or something equally absurd.

The lighthearted banter between them brought a brief moment of levity amidst the seriousness of their tasks, making the cleaning duties a bit more bearable.

As Team Light conversed with other teams about the recent surge in dark missions and unsettling occurrences, they shared the strange and dark missions they had been tasked with lately.

One team member recounted a particularly eerie encounter during a mission involving a Pokémon under the influence of the cult. According to this Pokémon, it cryptically mentioned that the Universe isn't safe, hinting at ominous events on the horizon. This revelation caused a palpable pause among everyone in the circle, emphasizing the gravity of the situation they were all facing.

"As for us, the weirdest part was that in one of the now cult occupied towns, we saw that the majority of the pokemons there were asleep and with nightmares so horrible that it made them howl in pain. Yet, the scariest part was that they couldn't be awoken." One of the teams stated, expressing worry in the process.

Spinda from Team Fuse gathered his team members, Dunsparce and Chimecho, to discuss the new work hours and encouraged them to give their best efforts despite being bronze-rank.

However, Spinda, known for his clumsiness, lived up to his reputation by accidentally dropping his drink, spilling its contents all over the floor. He then called out to Elton, requesting him to come and clean up the mess.

Elton, clearly frustrated by Spinda's klutzy nature, reluctantly went over with the mop, muttering under his breath, "Try not to be such a klutz next time, dude." As he cleaned up the spilled drink.

As regions across the world observed the turmoil unfolding in Siril, various responses emerged.

Ethos, a distant region, swiftly extended its support by dispatching armies to help alleviate the escalating chaos in Siril. Their proactive approach aimed to assist Siril in restoring order and stability.

On the other hand, regions like Qera chose to remain neutral and refrained from making any public statements or interventions regarding the situation in Siril. Their stance signaled a cautious approach, opting not to involve themselves in the ongoing crisis.

Ariel, a region of comparable power and influence to Siril, closely monitored the tumultuous events unfolding in their counterpart. As they observed the chaos and challenges faced by Siril, some residents of Ariel expressed satisfaction with the outcome, believing it could provide an opportunity for their region to assert itself on the global stage.

However, President Ceruledge of Ariel was cautious, acknowledging Siril as their equal and deliberating carefully before deciding on any actions. He understood the delicate balance of power between the two regions and weighed the potential consequences of intervening in Siril's affairs at such a critical moment.

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