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In monastery Wu meditating until he hears the ninja arguing. "My turn! Uh, it's my turn!" Kai's voice could be heard.

"Oh, you want a little more? Take this!" Cole's voice could be heard.

"Yeah? How about a little of this?" Jay's voice could be heard.

"Monkey paw to the head!" Kai's voice could be heard.

"Ninja, roll!" Cole's voice could be heard.

Wu goes to the video game room only to find that none of the are there. "Dragon punch!" Jay's voice could be heard.

Wu goes to the training grounds and is surprised to see that the ninja are actually training. Jay is deflecting arrows with his nunchucks, Cole is practicing on the dummies. Kai is practicing his spinjizu and Zane is meditating. "Ninja, go!" Kai says and does spinjizu.

Zane suddenly gets up from his meditation process and disturbs the other ninja. He starts by jumping in front of Jay. "Hey! Huh?" Jay says.

Zane steals Cole's weapon for the dummy test. "Hey! What?" Cole says.

"Ninja, go!" Zane says and does Spinjitzu the whole area freezes causing Kai to slip.

"Woah, oof." Kai grunts before gets up regrouping with Jay and Cole.  "This roof isn't big enough for the four of us." Kai says.

"Correction: This roof isn't big enough for him." Cole says glancing at Zane.

"It's like he's in his own world." Jay says before raises his voice. "I BET HE CAN'T EVEN HEAR US!"

Wu approaches the three disturbed ninja. "Sensei, Zane's... weird." Kai says.

"What is weird? Someone who is different or someone who is different than you?" Wu asks.

"No, Sensei. He's "weird" weird." Cole says remembering how once Zane entered the bathroom despite him doing some private business.

Jay remembers he, Nya and Zane watching a sad movie when Zane just starts laughing. Kai remembers going to the fridge, but he finds Zane inside.

"We like the guy. He's really smart. He's just..." Kai sighs. "a little off sometimes."

"Zane is a brother and brothers are often different. I should know." Wu says until a knock could be heard.

"Mail!" Kai, Jay and Cole exclaim running excitedly to the door opening it.

The postman pants. "Let's see. A letter from Jay's parents." He says and Jay grabs the mail. "Kai has a fan letter." He says and Kai grabs the mail. "Oh, something from Cole's father." He says. Cole grabs the mail.

"What, no package? I'm expecting something from Creatures, Beasts and Beyond." Cole says.

"No. Nothing from... uh-uh. Here it is" Postman says and hands a box to Cole.

"Ha! Rocky's gonna love this!" He says and runs off to dragon stables.

Zane walks sadly. "Hey, Zane. How come you never hear anything from your parents?" Jay asks.

"I don't remember my parents. I've been an orphan all my life." Zane says.

"You mean you've never had a home?" Kai asks. Zane just shakes his head timidly.

"The Monastery is your home now."  Wu says Zane just walks away with sigh.

Meanwhile Cole is at the dragon stables where he opens his package with meat inside.  "Liver and toads, Rocky. Your favorite." He says and feeds his Dragon. "Mm-hmm."

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