The Rise of the Great Devourer

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The Destiny's Bounty is flying through a storm; in his cabin, Master Wu uses the spirit smoke and sees the ninja being surrounded by the Serpentine before seeing himself being eaten by the Great Devourer and gasps. In the dining room, Kai, Nya and Jay are keeping watch over the four silver Fangblades. "Why is it that Torchfire Mountain is the only place we can destroy the Fangblades in?" Nya asks.

"'Cause the Fangblades are made from the original teeth of the Devourer. They're so strong they can only break down in extraordinary heat." Kai says.

"Uh, could someone pass the salt?" Jay asks. The Destiny's Bounty tilts, sliding the salt shaker towards him. "Hey, thanks."

Cole comes in, green from air sickness. "Please. No one talk about food. How much longer until we get there?" Cole asks groggily.

"Not long. Hey, Cole, you're looking a little green over there. How'd you like a mucus salt sandwich?" Jay asks. Cole goes outside to vomit. Jay laughs. "Speaking of green, who would've guessed he turned out to be the Green Ninja?"

"I know. He was such a trouble at first. It's hard to believe he's gonna become the greatest ninja that ever lived." Nya says.

Kai clears his throat. "Where is he?"

Lloyd is in the training room. "Alright, just a small attempt...Ninja, go!" He attempts Spinjitzu but no success and instead hits punching back and falls.

Pythor laughs turning visible. "What a joke. You were always a boy who chased stupid dreams."

Lloyd gets up. "Pythor! How did you get aboard?"

Pythor picks Lloyd up. "You think I would allow the ninja to steal the Fangblades from me?"

Lloyd struggls to get free. "Ugh! You'll never get away with it! Hey—" He gets cut off when Pythor puts tape over his mouth and ties him to the punching bag.

"Oh, I wouldn't worry about that. As they say, out of sight, out of mind." Pythor says and disappears and laughs.

Meanwhile, the ninja exits the cabin each with a Fangblade in hand as Nya's voice e hoes trough the ship. "Will everyone please place their seat back and tray table in the full upright and locked position? We have reached our destination: Torchfire Mountain. Give it a minute while we settle into position. "

Jay sighs. "It's roasting out here. Hey, what's with Sensei?"

Zane glances at Wu. "I do not know. He's been distant all morning."

"Ah, it is beautiful, is it not?" Wu says suddenly.

"Sensei, we are ready for the destruction of the Fangblades, yet you seem disinterested." Zane says.

"You do not need my approval to finish the task." Wu says.

"Uh, but Sensei—" Jay starts.

"Butts are for sitting. And besides, there will come a time when you will have to go on without me." Wu says.

"Sensei, you're talking crazy. You've been alive for, like, forever!" Kai exclaims causing Cole nudges him rattler roughly. "Ugh." Kai grunts.

"What he is trying to say is you are like the sunrise. We cannot begin a day without you." Zane says.

"Ah, but even the sun must go down so a new day begins." Wu says.

"I don't like metaphors. What are you trying to say? Are you leaving us again?" Cole asks.

"In meditation, my smoke visions have come to an end, and tomorrow, I cannot see. This worries me." Wu says.

"But it could be a good omen, you know. We destroy the Fangblades, then everything's gravy." Jay says.

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