Chapter 1: Secret's in the Garden

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It was time. My black boot tapped lightly against the sidewalk outside the coffee shop downtown. How much longer do I need to wait? Normally, I am the one running behind. But I am always on time. It was funny because no matter how far behind in schedule I thought I had gotten, I was always on time to my destination.

I ran a hand through my thick dark hair, tousling the strands across my back as I sat a little straighter and adjusted my top once again down. The white top I chose to wear showed just the right amount of cleavage and hugged my luscious curves tightly in the right places, but it had found its way untucked from my jeans as she had waited for her date to arrive. The day was just warm enough that I had taken my black leather jacket off when I had arrived at the coffee shop and it was hanging on the back of my chair swaying in the gentle breeze. With an exasperated sigh, I took a sip of my cooled down coffee. 

He was never late. It was one of the things that made him a good fit for me, he made me want to do better all the time. Jared always paid the bill, never pressured me, and even though he wasn't bad in bed, there was still something about him being almost too nice that made me feel wrong for being bored dating him. Him being late was almost the most interesting thing he had done lately. Patience is a virgin, or whatever it is they say, right? 

A tingle on the back of my neck gave my spine a quick shudder, I quietly glanced around each of my shoulders expecting to see someone staring at me. But no one was even noticing me and my lonely table, they were all equally entertained by the coffee and company they brought. A second shudder went through my body as I couldn't shake the feeling of there being eyes on me. 

Just then Jared sat down at the table, a small gasp escaping my lips at his sudden appearance, but I quickly smiled and brushed it off hoping he didn't notice that he scared me. A short assessment tells me that he didn't notice at all and he actually barely was looking in my direction. He was fidgeting at his navy blazer sleeve and he didn't immediately greet me. Something wasn't right. 

“Hey Veda,” His smile tugged at his boyish face, and he leaned across the table to give me a gentle kiss on my cheek. His simple blue eyes looked around for the waitress and he fixed his already perfect brown hair that was slicked back with gel. Veda Evermore, that’s me. Why doesn’t it feel good to hear that though?

“Hey Jared,” I say the unasked question heavy in my voice. 

“Hey Veda,” He said again. I resisted the urge to point that out to him. I lifted my cold coffee to my lips to take a generous swallow of the brown liquid giving him enough time to gather his thoughts. “Veda, we need to talk.” Ahh there it is. I’m getting broke up with. 

“Well, you asked me here for coffee this afternoon,” He had asked last night before he normally texted her goodnight for the evening. They had been dating for about seven months and saw each other at least twice a week since the beginning of their relationship. So, it wasn't too out of the norm when he asked me to go to coffee the next day. “So, you can talk.” I breathed in through my nose preparing myself for what he was going to say. 

“Veda, there is so-” 

“Jared!” Jared was interrupted by a familiar voice from behind him.

My eyes flickered up from his face to meet the face that had said Jared’s name. Brittney was dressed in her short pink skirt and matching  pink plaid sweater blouse, blonde perfectly curled locks pushed back with a barbie pink band. And her makeup was perfectly placed on her face with a smile, as she waved a hand in our direction, approaching the table quickly, her light pink heels happily along with her. 

She was someone that I graduated with from college. We took a semester together in Drawing 1, but I think she only went for the chance to get to see a dude’s naked ass. Brittney was very disappointed when she found out you had to make it to Drawing 2 for that to happen. I was nice enough to help her out a few times and she kind of never left me alone. She did hook up with a few of the volunteers in the class though. Since we graduated over a year ago, she started to invite me out to the bars with her and I couldn't tell her no even though I didn't consider us the best of friends, it was nice to have a girl that wanted to go out with me on occasion and just spend some girl time.  When we did go out she would point out how badly I needed to find a man, until I found Jared. 

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