Chapter 2

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Jessie is a single free woman in South Florida. She loves her life as it is and it is a custom to her. She has her own tattoo shop, loves seeing her customers happy with what they receive while enjoying life. She has been single since before learning how to master tattooing. Though when she noticed pretty girls, she couldn't help but have flings, especially flirting with them during the sessions. Jessie had no qualms when it came to whether they were married, engaged or single as long as she got some from time to time it didn't matter, she wouldn't settle with someone and it'd be the last thought. Once she was done with the woman, she would send her out and nothing else would come of it.

It wasn't easy being the hottest lesbian butch in this town and most women would divorce their husbands to come back for more. Jessie knew what she wanted and had to have even if it meant multiple times a week. Though her current company is her cat Zane. Zane is a beautiful Maine Coon cat that is dark with some white fur. She was Jessie's best companion at night when it was time to settle in. The goodness of her heart is the fact that she never let any woman come around Zane because she was afraid of attachment and losing herself along the way.

"Jessie, you have a new client coming in this week for a tattoo." Kiera said.

"A new client? I haven't had a new one in years. Any idea who it could be?" Jessie asked her assistant.

"No idea, she sounded like a strong northerner though." Kiera replied with a shrug.

Kiera and Jessie have been friends for years, they met at a local bar and became instant friends besides Kiera being straight and flaunts with the men that come her way.

"A northern woman coming to my shop, well, this oughta be interesting." Jessie responded with a chuckle.

"You have slept with all sorts of women and you are now bent in shape because she isn't from here." Kiera replied, rolling her eyes.

"Oh, no, no that is where you are wrong. See I have slept with all sorts of women just not this particular one if she is a new client. Did you get her name?" Jessie asked with a curious voice.

"Her name is Cammie." Kiera replied with an arched eyebrow.

"Interesting name. Did you get a number?" Jessie asked again.

"Part of my job is to get the name and numbers, boss." Kiera replied again, still questioning Jessie's motive.

"Good, let me know if she cancels and we can quote her on not showing up." Jessie responded by biting her lip out of nerves.

"Alright, well better get back to work as you have a few women ready to get more tats done." Kiera encouraged me.

Jessie sighed knowing most of these clients that are regulars just want a touch up or to see if they can have a new one. Grabbing the file that had the list of an ideal tattoo, this one she knew would take time to draw up and schedule another session to do, it was definitely a regular client. And it was one of few women she hadn't slept with because of the reputation it would leave on the town.

"Kiera, can you reschedule Heidi for another day. I would need a full day plus an extra day to tattoo her up." Jessie said with a bit of demand.

"No, can do. She has you booked for this whole week. You have no one else that I can schedule, I could barely get your new client in without a fuss." Kiera replied.

"Heidi doesn't realize how much she is asking me to detail such work, have you seen what she asked?" Jessie exclaimed feeling herself ready to burst and she hadn't started work quite yet.

"I do. A whole lot of body work and color for that fair skin of hers, I am surprised with how many tattoos she has now that she hasn't broken out or anything serious." Kiera replied calmly.

"Heidi isn't getting done at all. I can't give her this. This is way beyond my experience and I am one of the best out here. Do we have anyone else at all to replace?" Jessie pleaded.

"Sorry, Jessie, you just have to do what you can through today before Cammie arrives in the next day or two. Luckily what she is asking for is a small tattoo compared to Heidi." Kiera replied with a smirk.

Jessie sighed then took Heidi's paperwork to the back and reviewed what needed to be done for at least the next two days then finished off what she could because she hated that Heidi took her whole schedule of clients. The bad part was it was going to be a double sleeve. One of them was nearly complete but the other wasn't started at all and then a big dragon on her back to cover the older tattoos that were fading. Not sure what Heidi is thinking with all of this because they are both fantasy related which takes a while to draw.

"Hey Jessie, ready to draw my designs?" Heidi asked sweetly.

"I am not ready for you at all. Heidi this is ridiculous, you have taken all of my clients spots especially those that were due for touch ups." Jessie slammed her hand on the table and let out a sigh.

"You are the best damn tattoo artist around here. I am not going to someone else for a week or two worth of ink. Also, I made a damn good check to give you for all the work." Heidi replied with a smirk.

Jessie loved Heidi's passion for designs and the praises for being the best artist but she didn't want to hear about Heidi's lavish life for a week, let alone two. Heidi is a gorgeous woman with long red hair, green eyes, cute freckles, and a nice tan on her loving skin. It was all she could do not to have the woman all to herself most of the time but she always kept herself as client and boss with separate jobs. She didn't understand why she wanted to cover up all the beauty that she has with tattoos. Jessie took it upon herself to draw what is in Heidi's head of the dragon on her back that she wanted and it was very detailed, she wanted the dragon done first since it will take a while to color in before doing her sleeves which is all within the two to four week span that was estimated. Heidi wasn't going to give Jessie no break at all for this whole tattoo design. Jessie had to tell Kiera to cancel on Cammie and let her know to reschedule for next month like everyone else which disappointed her in a way.

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