Chapter 9

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Cammie decided that morning to leave early back to Washington since the owners of their new home were wanting to move in faster than she was expected and she needed to finish up the paperwork. Cammie saw Jessie still sleeping but knew that she would be better just to leave a note and the services could handle getting Jessie out of the room. The note read:


Thank you for an amazing week. Grateful that you have my number and the time spent together. I'm heading home to Washington to finish making these agreements before the new homeowners decide to bail on the business for lack of moving things faster and they really want to be in their own home. I don't blame them. Sorry for my time being cut short even though I wanted to be here longer. Text me if you ever want to catch up again.



P.S. Thank you for the small tattoo on my wrist. It is beautiful.

Before Cammie could step back from the letter, she felt hands wrap around her waist and a kiss on her neck.

"Please tell me that this isn't goodbye?" Jessie said in her sleepy voice.

"I'm not sure when I will be back. I have to head back home because my boss and co-workers can't handle the summer flow of people wanting new homes." Cammie explained with a heavy sigh.

"We will make this work, right? Text, call, meet in the middle?" Jessie replied, kissing Cammie's back of her neck a little more.

"All I know is I have to go catch my plane Jessie and I will see you when I see you, send Kiera my hugs." Cammie got herself undone from Jessie then rushed herself out the door before Jessie could change her mind.

Cammie felt bad for leaving Jessie behind but she had her own career to focus on and not some fling that she will never see again because once she is back home, Jessie will be the one that she forgets about and Jessie will have women at her door again. Sadly, she never got to make love to Jessie but she did enjoy cuddling with Jessie and smelling her amazing scent. Cammie got downstairs to her car, looked up to where her hotel room was, and then looked back down unlocking her car then headed out for good. She whispered a goodbye to Jessie then made her way to the airport.


Arriving at the airport, she found herself missing Jessie already even though they hadn't made love or anything. Cammie felt her whole world changed, she didn't want to go back to Washington. Also, she owed herself a three month vacation and not leaving so soon because of work. She looked at her wrist of the beautiful rainbow that Jessie made her. Cammie wanted nothing more than to be back in Jessie's arms but she knew that it was important to go back home for two weeks and get herself settled before moving on with Jessie. Before she could put her phone on airplane mode, she saw Jessie's name across her screen and opened the message:


I have no idea how to write this. I know we didn't make love because of your pain, no, I am not calling it sex. We are two special people meant for one another. You are more than just a fling and I shouldn't have seen you that way when Kiera spoke about you. I love the feel of your skin with mine, sharing kisses, laughing, and being together. It's only been a week but it feels so much longer. Cammie, you are beautiful, wonderful, and the best human. No woman could ever be you. I will miss you for the time you are gone for even if you never come back, you stole my heart.

Love always,


Cammie couldn't get herself to reply as she put her phone on airplane mode then sat in her seat with the thoughts of Jessie's hands on her and how her kisses were so soft. She honestly didn't want to do this and wanted to be back with Jessie. Before the plane got off the ground, Cammie decided to leave, she couldn't make herself go back home, and wanted more time with Jessie. Cammie asked if she could get her luggage and called up the hotel to get her room back, thankfully, all they did was clean it but she couldn't wait to be with Jessie, she messaged her boss that she needs this time off and will return in the Fall. Cammie was happy that he agreed to give her the time and would take care of the Summer clients with his other assistant that he had as backup. Cammie made one last call to see that if she had her same car available when she arrived at first and made it to the parking lot it was still sitting in the same spot but she made sure to call to check before taking it. Once it was verified that it was still in her name for the whole three months, whether she went back to Washington or not, they said it was hers. With that she put her luggage in the back seat then got into the driver seat with adrenaline on her side to get with Jessie.

Cammie knew one thing, she wasn't ready to do this long distance but wanted to keep her closeness with Jessie. If anything she wanted to see that her and Jessie could be more. Putting the car in drive and taking several deep breaths, Cammie made her way back to Jessie's tattoo shop with hopes that Jessie wasn't planning another affair with someone else. She didn't want to let Kiera know either that she didn't leave and is making sure she is staying for the scheduled time that she would have. Looking at the clock seeing that it would take her over an hour to reach the shop to see Jessie, Cammie decided to head back to the hotel and just wait until morning to see her because it would be too late to even do anything, she wasn't that hungry either, so she could have a snack from a vending machine along with a drink.

As she made her arrival back to the hotel, she got her room back, put everything away and went down to the machines to have a snack because she wanted to be up early for Jessie. She didn't want Jessie to know of her return but knew it wouldn't last if Jessie saw her location. Cammie knew Jessie didn't sleep much and always had more work than she could handle. Cammie pulled up Instagram to see that she was tagged by Jessie with a picture of her looking at the ocean on their first night together and it read below: I will miss this beautiful woman. Cammie wanted to cry but held it together, leaving a comment below: I am missing you too. Before Cammie could go get showered and settled a message through Instagram popped up.

Jessie: Hope you are enjoying your flight back home. I am so lonely.

Cammie: I'm sorry you are so alone. I thought you would have a fling with another woman after I left.

Jessie: What? No. I couldn't replace what happened the week you were here.

Cammie couldn't reply to that. She didn't know how to tell Jessie that she was here waiting for her and that she didn't need to be alone but she also wanted to surprise her. 

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