Chapter 5

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Cammie couldn't believe she got the date with Jessie that instant. She met her at the shop then they made their way to Nellie's. Jessie had her hair slicked back, smelled amazing in the cologne, and wore a black button up shirt, blue jeans with boots. It made Cammie smile seeing Jessie look like a badass without trying. Cammie really wanted to touch Jessie but felt too nervous too and didn't dare make any sudden moves.

Arriving at Nellie's felt like a comfortable atmosphere. It was something that she enjoyed about small diners even back at home in Washington. Once they were both seated, she couldn't help ask questions but the one that stung her heart a bit was when Jessie admitted to only prefer flings and not relationships but she could understand guarding the heart since she has too somewhat but she enjoyed flings as well though she is ready for a steady relationship and ready to convince Jessie that, she fell fast and hard after meeting earlier that evening. Though once she offered to make her sketch tattoo, Cammie didn't want that and sadly they agreed to enjoy this dinner as friends, she couldn't resist flirting every chance she got.

"Let's say after we eat, we go to the beach behind my hotel and hang out by the water and just enjoy the stars." Cammie said with a flirty voice that made her shiver.

"That sounds fun. I haven't been to the beach in a long time. And a great way to enjoy the evening is to cool down." Jessie replied with a smirk.

Cammie smiled then watched as their food came to the table, she kept quiet and enjoyed her meal with Jessie also sipping a bit on her wine that she ordered to keep her from being too assertive and giving the wrong signal ahead of time without knowing how this could go after dinner.

"How long are you here for, Cammie?" Jessie asked curiously with a raised eyebrow.

"Three months. I have a job to get back home too." Cammie answered.

"Oh, so you won't be staying?" Jessie asked again.

"Unfortunately not, I have homeowners wanting their place as soon as I get back and I'm not willing to give it up to somebody else to hand over those keys." Cammie responded.

"Oh, yeah, understand. Anyways, ready to head to the beach?" Jessie asked a third time.

"Yes, let's go take a nice walk on the sand." Cammie replied with a smile.

Jessie paid the bill and then they got back into Cammie's car, headed back to the hotel for parking, and it hit Cammie that she is really liking Jessie for a first date but tried to hold back everything that is flowing through her emotions. Walking down to the beach together is when Cammie decided to run into the water to get her feet wet since she wore low heels and it didn't take much to get them off, feeling the sand on her feet in the cool evening made such a relief then she looked behind her to see Jessie still making her way towards her.

"Sorry, I have been wanting to do this since I arrived earlier this evening but I had to meet you first." Cammie shouted above the ocean.

"Sounds like you should've come out here first instead of meeting me." Jessie said loud in return.

Cammie walked up to Jessie getting close to her with a sheepish smile.

"Meeting you is worth more than being on the beach by myself." Cammie said breathlessly.

"Is that so? Would it be a crime to kiss you?" Jessie replied with a wink.

Cammie shook her head then felt Jessie softly kiss her and when she stopped Cammie pulled Jessie into her with a deep passionate kiss, she is falling hard for the first time in ages, and it is better than some fling that she had on her flight. The kiss lasted a few more minutes before Jessie pulled away.

"I, um, have to go. Prepare for your tattoo in the morning. It was nice being with you. See you in the morning. Have a nice night, Cammie." Jessie said as she walked away and kept on going until she couldn't be seen anymore.

Cammie didn't understand what happened except still feeling that wonderful kiss that they shared. She wanted to get Jessie back but knew it would be too fresh to get caught up. Cammie grabbed her shoes then made her way back inside to her hotel room and felt more alone since Jessie didn't stay with her. Cammie decided to get showered then head to bed since her tattoo is set to be designed first thing in the morning and it was nearing midnight.


Cammie got up at six in the morning, she didn't get much sleep and felt very nervous to see Jessie again after the kiss that still lingers in her mind. She got a text reminder right at six thirty to remind her of the appointment at seven. Cammie got dressed then made her way down to her car and drove to the tattoo shop to see that it is open already. Getting out of her car, she made her way inside to see that Kiera had a smile on her face.

"You are the very first person to ever show up early enough to get started." Kiera said with a smile still on her face.

"I am excited for this experience." Cammie replied.

"Jessie is late for some odd reason this morning. I will let you know when she arrives. Did you enjoy your date with her?" Kiera asked with a wink.

"Yes, I hope I earned a second date with Jessie, she is wonderful company." Cammie replied, smiling at the thought of their first kiss.

Kiera nodded then went back to work without saying anything else. Cammie sent Jessie a text about enjoying the experience together but didn't get a response back. This made Cammie very nervous that Jessie had ghosted her all of a sudden knowing they were scheduled this morning. It took all she could not to walk out the door and go enjoy the rest of her vacation alone knowing that she was hoping for more out of Jessie. 

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