Chapter 2: A Cyber's World

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Craig jumped up with shock and he looked over and sure enough Braino Baxter was standing there! He was really real from real life! And he was even more Dangerous in person! His glasses, even more shiny, his brain, even more Smart, his braces, even more effective at fixing his teeth! Craig stumpled backed wards with fear and cracked over a shelf of All The Latest Games.

"Heh," taunted Braino in his most tauntilizing taunting voice, "cowering in fear like the simpletonous FOOL you are?"

Braino reaches into his Intelligent LabCoat and pulled out his Signature Brain Ray. Craig Silver was all like "What That" and Braino was all like:

"You insolentous planarian! This is my Signature Brain Ray! Not only does it KILL YOU, but it also... MAKES YOU DUMB!"

Craig shouted iconically because he didn't want to die but more importantly he didn't want to become Dumb!

Braino sponged out his evilest hell laugh yet as he charged the device! It was only $4.99! Just kidding! Craig was in big danger he started like crying and screaming and praying to God and to put a salt in the wound Braino was all like "Dumb ass God isn't even real" but anyway The Ray was almost fully charged and Craig was Sure As Sugar he was done for!

But just than: Entrophy from betwixt the GameStop counter shoutened:

"Take this Craig boy"

And she threw an object strait at him! It was one of the Latest Games! Braino saw it and he was like:

"Tch what are you going to do with THAT... object. What is that??" and so Braino adjusted his glasses to see it better and he was shock.

"A... VIDEO GAME??" he said with horrorterror, "N-no... But that will... ROT MY BRAIN!!!!"

Braino Baxter released out a protracted scream as his Big Brain instantanteously liquified and slopped out through his eyeholes! Ouch!

Craig and Entrophy were like pretty much "ew?" because that was Gross Disgusting but they sure were glad that the Braino problem was solved by He Died.

Just than the Boss of GameStop unlurked from his office hole and saw the huge mess that was made! He started spitting and frothing with anger like:

"Latest Games, cracked all over the flour... Brain Mess and Dead Body... who is responsible for this!!" screamed Boss as his face turned a Red and then Puple and than Blue and of course lots of steam came out of all his holes and then Smoke and than Polluted Smog. Craig and Entrophy looked Sheeply at each other and hesitated to like say words but finally Craig took a stand.

He said: "It was me who caused this wreck of mess Not Entrophy's fault" he said with stupid sincerity in his Voice.

His boss became insects with RAGE and yelled at Craig Silver "YOU'RE FIRED!!" with some much many force that Craig was blew out of the entire GameStop!

to be continued!

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