Chapter 5

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The Bennett witches knew there was something wrong when Elijah never arrived to pick them up from the airport in Charlotte. But Bonnie showed Mandisa how to rent a car and she drove them back. She dropped Mandisa off at her apartment then she went to her Gram's house. She'd planned on giving Elena the vial next time she saw her.

Mandisa kept calling Elijah. Something felt off. She put up her things then walked to the Mikaelson Mansion. When she arrived and let herself in, there was a solemn mood. "What's wrong?"

"Mandisa. Oh my apologies for missing your pick up," Elijah said to her.

"It is okay. Obviously something happened."

"Finn is dead," he told her.

"How? I thought you were immortal."

"Apparently there was still some white oak."

"How will we get it back?" she asked angrily as Klaus, Rebekah and Kol sauntered in.

"Why do you care?" Klaus asked her.

"Well no one kills my siblings but me," Mandisa said, and clearly meant it.

"I share a similar sentiment."

"They are less than two hundred years old. We don't chat, we take them out. No mercy."

"I like it," Kol said to her.

"We need vervain."

"That's poisonous to us," Rebekah said.

"Yes but not deadly. It will incapacitate them longer than you. We'll set a trap."

"What about your niece?" Elijah asked.

"Bonnie won't help them." she said with conviction.

The Mikaelsons made a plan. Kol, Rebekah, and Elijah would stay in a house with a boundary spell around it, keeping people out by any means necessary. Mandisa and Klaus went their separate ways. Mandisa went to the grill where she ran into Damon Salvatore. He immediately attacked her but there was a crack of thunder then lightning came down and blew his body apart while also setting him on fire. She then felt a stab of pain. Looking down, she was shot with a crossbow. She looked at the man. A human. "I've never killed a human before," she said, then twisted her hand and snapped his neck. Klaus appeared.

"This human has a Bennett designed loophole for death," he said, lifting up the human's hand and removing his ring before ripping off his head.

Stefan rushed towards both of them and Klaus removed his heart. Lastly, the younger Gilbert brother, the first hybrid, and Bonnie's blonde friend Caroline showed up. "They were older than you. Do you really believe you have a chance?" Mandisa asked.

"Big mistake," Klaus said before removing Tyler's head. Caroline and the other boy screamed. Mandisa and Klaus stalked towards the last two as a car pulled up on main street. Bonnie and Elena got out.

"Wait! Stop! Please!" Elena cried out.

"You were no longer a blood bag so what was your issue with my family?!" Mandisa asked the young girl angrily.

"You changed everything. They killed me!"

"You're still alive it seems. Wait..." She ripped off her head as Caroline, Jeremy, and Bonnie cried out, "Nope. Dead now."

"Sister, I needed that."

"And I have a present for you." She went into Bonnie's car and grabbed the box. She used the vial to get a drop of blood and chanted the spell as the container filled. She handed it to Klaus, "There. More hybrids for you." She then looked to Bonnie with tearful eyes and a heavy chest. "Please tell me you had nothing to do with this."

"No. Mandisa, this was Elena's plan. I didn't know until it was too late."

"Choose. The blond or the boy." she told Bonnie. Bonnie began crying immediately.


"Do not make me the monster! I am giving you a choice." she said and tried to control the anger inside. It began raining down onto them with dark clouds. Bonnie sighed and heaved in a shaky breath. She looked to Caroline and Jeremy and both were shocked that she was actually going to follow Mandisa's directions.

"I'm so sorry," Bonnie said then looked back to Mandisa, "I choose to save Caroline."

"So be it," Klaus said and Jeremy struggled pointlessly as Klaus took off his Bennett ring and snapped his neck. Caroline rushed towards Bonnie and the two girls embraced as Klaus and Mandisa looked at the carnage around them.

"Quite the mess, little sister," Klaus said to her as they arrived back to the house. She smirked but it dropped quickly, knowing how hurt Bonnie would be.

"I'm told Mikaelsons are quite messy killers. But I am done with that now. No more killing for me." she said, walking up the steps.

"Then I shall do it for you."

"We can't stay here, Niklaus."

"I am aware. We will leave tonight. Say your goodbyes." Mandisa nodded and left.

Mandisa went to her apartment and packed all of her things up. There was a knock and she knew it was Bonnie. Mandisa opened the door and expected anger but all she saw was anguish. "I feel terribly about how taking their lives would affect you. I cannot apologize enough for the pain I've caused you," Mandisa said, her own tears falling.

"I know. And I just came here to say I'm not mad at you, Mandisa. I forgive you. I know you. I know your heart. You are love personified. When you give that love and affection to someone, there are no limits. And I can't just be okay wit that when it's in my favor. I'm sure the council will come up with some story."

"You can't stay here. What if they take it out on you?"

"They won't. No one even knows about witches here. And don't worry. Caroline and I will graduate. Then I will find you again. I won't live my life without you in it," she said to Mandisa and the two girls embraced tearfully. Mandisa felt a weight come off her chest.

"Mama and Ken would be so proud of you. Just as the people that came after them and before you." They stood foreheads pressed together for a coiple of minutes. Tuning into each other's vibration.

Mandisa had everything packed up and a hybrid came to put it all in a truck. Mandisa decided to check on her siblings. At the Mikaelson mansion, the hybrids were moving things out into trucks as well. "The threat has been handled," Klaus said inside.

"From your appearance, the threat is in pieces."

"As all threats should be," Mandisa said and joined them.

"We should leave," Kol said to them all.

"And the white oak?" Elijah asked Klaus and Mandisa.

"Bonnie will destroy whatever her and Caroline find."

"And you trust them with our lives?" Kol asked her.

"Yes. I do ."

"So we split up again?" Rebekah asked sadly.

"What? Why?" Mandisa asked, "I am moving to New Orleans. I'd love it if all of you were to come. We could make a home there. But I understand if none of you want to."

"Might be fun to shake things up," Rebekah said with a small smile.

"Like the old days," Kol had his mischievous grin coming.

"But with a new sister." 

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