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My head.

It's throbbing with pain.

It's been days of my last meeting with Miss Elsa.

And here since that day,

Whole night....litterly.....whole night I am not able to sleep.

My eyes and whole body is Actually begging me to take rest for the is totally bad nights going on.

Whole night wandering around my room. Tried to close my eyes for hours just in case sleep kicks in but unfortunately it didn't.

The thoughts, past, future and even the present keeps me awake whole night.

I tried to write my feeling, thoughts which were nothing but disturbing and my diary as well......which I do every night before going to sleep.

In my childhood my caretaker, she was the person who took care of my mother when I was in her womb....the time she was pregnant and carring me.....soo even after my birth she took care of me all the time.

I was 5years old and she gave me a diary, though I wasn't that great at writing and all....Obviously I was a kid back then.....she said

'Books never judge.....just listen and say stories.....write or draw or scribble ....whatever you feel, like....or want to.....they will accept it with open hands and will keep it like a secret of your own.....just like a bestfriend to you'

Since then I have made an habbit of writing about my whole had only help me in many ways and nothing else.

Soo where I was...

Yeah....soo this time even writing in my diary didn't help me either.

Soo tossing and turning on my bed trying to find some solace in my own pillow and duvet. It was just an failed attempt.

Throwing my duvet aside, got off my bed....picked up my guitar....sitting on the sill of my window....I even tried if the music that flow through the strings of my guitar while playing just to distract my mind or I can say clam my mind and heart which is just doing a good job of distracting my brain.

It was a pleasant weather at mid of night, soft,cold wind flowing with the rhythm of my guitar strings. Yet these peaceful night wasn't helpful at all.

A conflict between my mind, heart and brain kept me awake.

Where my mind kept focus on my future, my heart asked me to enjoy and live the present....whatever happens in future doesn't matter as of now....but my brain made me remaind my past and the scars on my heart which my heart was ignoring royaly. The whole conflict just exhausts me.

Miss Zoya Siddiqui......It's only her whose thoughts have consumed me whole night......And it's only about her a conflict is going on.

Being a reader as well, obviously I love to read books, novels of any genre but rom-com hits different....I have read many books if I have read lakhs of books since childhood then thousands of them are Romance genre.

Soo books are another kind of escape to my single life I am actually falling for fictional women.

Books logic is as smiple as that, if you are a girl reader, while reading the novel you are actually playing the role of that female protagonist.

When if it's a boy, it's given even we imagine our own self as those male protagonists who fall for his girl, ready to turn the world upside down just for her and what not.

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