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han panicked. the knock making his body jolt, he hugged angel tighter. he didn't wanna answer the door, he wished she would go away. but han knew he'd had to speak to his mother. he pulled away from angel, going to unlock the door.

angel sat up, making herself appealing, hoping han's mother would take a liking to her. but she was doubtful since han described her so poorly. though angel still had some hope.

han opened the door, his mother standing there. his father wasn't present for whatever reason. han looked nervous, he hasn't been so scared like this before. he cleared his throat, managing to make eye contact with her.

"h-hello mother." his voice trembled, but he tried to seem calm.

"han." she replied. looking around the room. she noticed angel standing there. angel froze, feeling intimidated under her intense stare. angel smiled slightly.

"who is this?" the woman's eyebrows furrowed, she didn't looked pleased with han sharing a dorm with a girl.

"my roommate, angel."

"...hello, it's a pleasure to meet you." she bowed, showing respect in attempt to get on her good side. han's mother just watched as angel bowed.

"hm," she pursed her lips, raising an eyebrow. she didn't care for angel.

"come, we must discuss your grades and future." then, the woman turned on her heel and walked out. han glanced to angel. clearing his throat.

"may angel come too?" angel notice how han's whole demeanor changed. as if he was forcing a front. it was weird seeing him this way.

" we don't need any distractions." she said sternly. she walked into the hallway, expecting han to follow. han felt like he was gonna have a panic attack, he felt a knot form in his stomach. he looked back at angel, his pleading eyes seeking some sort of reassurance.

"you'll be fine, just text me if anything happens, okay?" angel smiled. she fixed his bangs and kissed his cheek. han nodded, angel always knew how to calm him. he then followed his mother out the door, feeling more nervous than ever.


since angel didn't really have anything to do, she decided to call minho and hang out with him. they had gotten boba and now heading to the lake. as minho drove, angel thought about something. han's birthday was coming up, she needed to get him a gift.

"han is always talking about how he wants an electric guitar...but i can't really afford that. and he never really likes the clothes i pick out for him..." angel sighed, she turned to minho, who was focused on the road.

"what are you looking at me for?" he raised an eyebrow, glancing at angel.

"i need help." she whined, laying back in the passenger seat, she looked out of the window.

"you know him better than me." minho shrugged. they sat in silence, she tried to think of what to buy for him. then minho spoke again.

"he's a total nerd, just get him legos." angel gasped, she sat up.

"you fucking genius! i remember a couple weeks ago we went to the mall together and he was eyeing that lego set!" angel remembered seeing han so infatuated with the typewriter. minho rolled his eyes.

"what would you do without me?"

"probably suffer." angel joked with a grin, minho chuckled.

"wait...that set is $250...i cant afford that either." angel groaned in annoyance, she slumped back in the seat again, sulking as she rubbed her temples.

"oh come on, that isn't even a lot." minho snickered, he came from a rich family, he was always living in luxury. but he spent all his money on his cats.

"spoiled brat." angel mumbled under her breath, taking a sip of her boba. minho didn't hear her words, he furrowed his eyebrows.

"what did you say?"

"nothing." angel held back a smile, minho brushed it off. they arrived at the lake, there was no one there. the duo sat on the bench, looking at the sunset. it was getting late.

"so how's everything with han?" minho asked curiously. he hasn't seen han since his encounter with him.

"we're doing well. i'm worried for him though. his mom is in town and he's really freaked out about it." angel said as she swirling the straw of her drink with her index finger.

"oh his mom? she's...something." minho shook his head slightly, looking down at the grass as it blew in the wind.

"you know about his mom?" angel looked up at minho. he nodded.

"i do, me and han went to school together but never really talked to each other. there would be rumors going around that his parents were really strict with him, and that he's pathetic cause he has mommy issues." minho's face scrunched up as the memories came flooding back. "hyunjin started them, i don't know if they were true though. but now looking at it i think they were." minho was always the quiet kid, having a few friends. but that meant he was always ease dropping and getting good information about anyone. he was always the person you'd have a good gossip sesh with.

"really..?" angel listened to minho carefully. high school must've been hell for han, she felt her heart break for him. imaging han as a teenager, being controlled and isolated made her feel uneasy. she hated it.

"that sounds horrible. why does hyunjin have a grudge against han?" angel frowned, hyunjin always seemed to be brought up.

"i dunno, han was an easy target i guess." minho looked up at the pretty orange and pink sky, he quickly reached for his phone, taking a picture of it.

"so beautiful..." the brown haired boy whispered. angel didn't care for the sunset. she couldn't stop thinking about han. she wondered how he was doing, but was scared to interrupt anything with his mother. she didn't wanna risk getting han in trouble.

"hey minho, i'm gonna make a call real quick." angel said as she stood up and walked a few feet away from him. he nodded in response, continuing to take pictures of the sky. she pressed the call button, hoping he'd answer.

"angel?" han spoke, his voice was shaky, he was panting, out of breath.

"han, is everything okay?" angel asked in a worried tone. she bit her nails as she waited for his response.

"i...i told her i was going to the bathroom, but i never came back. i left and ran." han's voice seemed to be trembling even more.

"what? you ran? like ran away?" angel said in surprise, she didn't expect han to do something like run away, he was very calm and wasn't the type of person to put himself in such a situation.

"y-yes, i don't know where i am."

"did you even think? she knows what dorm we stay in. she could come back any minute." angel started to panic as well. han clearly didn't think this through. they were both in trouble. minho noticed angel's body language, there was clearly something wrong. he approached her.

"is everything okay?" he whispered. angel shook her head, telling him to wait with her finger.

"oh shit..." han's side of the line went quiet.

"i didn't think about that. can you please just pick me up? she's blowing up my phone, i'm sure she's looking for me now." han begged, angel sighed, she turned to minho.

"can you drive, please? it's an emergency." minho nodded, he wouldn't say no, he was always there to help angel.

"of course. how are we gonna find him though?" minho asked as they rushed to his car.

"han, send me your location."

"please hurry." he then sent angel his location. han wasn't near the seafood restaurant anymore. he was twenty minutes away from it. his phone on ten percent.

"where the fuck are you?"


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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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