I'm always sick babe!

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**ONE MONTH LATER, Andy has been extremely sick lately.. she's focusing on her passion of being a popular fashion designer specializing in Salsa clothing... she's drawing all kinds of sketches here and there. At the same time of rescuing people in need.. at the fire station... her dad Pruitt Herrera is unaware that his only daughter has been feeling extremely sick and weak lately... Ryan is also working as a part time car mechanic... as well as being a rookie in the police department. so he got a job at a local car repair he's good friends with the owner. **

Thursday June 19 th 2010

5h38 am
Andy : I'm going to throw up again...

** she ran out of the bedroom and started crying and throwing up in the bathroom.. she cried out for Ryan **

Ryannnnn ! I'm really not feeling good... I don't know what is making me feel sick all the time, all day !

**She coughed in between her throw up **


**Ryan got up and went to give soft back massage and reassured her that everything was going to be fine **

Ryan : I'm here babe, it's okay...
Andrea : hrmmmm thank you for being up with me right now... I really need to know...

Ryan : shoot , you're right we have been so focused on our individual work for the past month... Should we go back to bed now and we'll see what happens tomorrow?

Andy : okay ! I'll go to the pharmacy tomorrow and get pregnancy tests! Cause that's the only explanation I can think of, and would be the most logical answer for my constant throwing up...

Ryan : okay ! You're not scheduled tomorrow right?
Andy : no , I have the next four days off...
And I know exactly what I'll be doing during those four days off !
Ryan : okay, well I'm working tomorrow so after my shift I'll stop by the pharmacy and then we'll take the test together okay?
Andy : alright! Wait ... you're not working a full twenty four hour shift tomorrow right?
Ryan : what? No , I work a nine hour shift starting at 12h00 pm today and I finish at nine tonight!

Andy : alright, perfect, you're going to have enough time to go to the pharmacy before it closes at ten tonight!

Ryan : alright! Now come on let's get you back in bed and...
Andrea : alright! And I'd love a blanket please! I'm suddenly shaking really bad right now!

Ryan : and a hot blanket for you my beautiful girlfriend...

** he helped Andy back in bed , laid a blanket over her and took the bed sheets cover and placed them over her.. he kissed her several times and they both went back to sleep **

9h28 am

**Andy woke up, alone, she remembered that Ryan was working today, so she made herself a hot camomile tea and she stayed in her pyjamas and watched tv all day ! She threw up several times in the day while she was waiting for her boyfriend to come home,  Ryan wanted to be more than her boyfriend so he went out of his way, out of town to get something really special for her... he's going to be giving his special gift when he gets home later that night . Andy has absolutely no idea of what Ryan has in mind. **


**Ryan comes home from work with a bunch of pregnancy tests in his hands, he could not wait to see his gorgeous girlfriend. **

Ryan : babeeeee ! I'm home !

Andy ; hiii honey ! Did you have a good day at work?
Ryan : yes I did , but I missed you the most!
Andy : awnnn ! I did too !

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