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"It won't be that bad I swear.. so what if the weaselbee twins are in our potions class.. it can't be bad right?"

"God they are gonna screw with my caldron Kate! Like always and Snape won't believe me but he adores my fricking brother. I swear he knows I'm not a true Malfoy!"

"Y/n.. hush someone might hear you"

Kate and I sit in the back of the potions class where two more seats are open at the table. The twins come in and sit with us. Kate starts messing with her hair and giggling. God sometimes I wonder why we are friends. I roll my eyes and lean back ready for this day to be over. I feel someone's warm hand slide onto my knee and I snap my head to look at Fred. I pulled my knee away.

"Fred you better not start shit this early in the morning.."

"I'm not Fred"

"I am"

"No you aren't Fred has a round face and is shorter"

"Am not!"

"Oh so you are Fred?"

The twins just smirked. I rolled my eyes a smirk playing on my lips. These boys are so fricking stupid. They make me playful and goofy and I can not be seen that way. Snape walks in and starts the lesson. Amortentia. God this? This is such a hard potion. Snape has tried to tutor me over the summer and he knew I struggled with this one. I start the potion with Kate's help. The twins worked on their own. Kate leaned close to the potion.

"It smells like honey- and hmm cedar? Who smells like that?"

"I have no clue but put it in your observations"

"You need to do it too y/n"


I leaned close and took a deep breath. Butterscotch.. with hints of vanilla and cinnamon. Hm.. who smells like that?


"Oh right.. butterscotch, vanilla, and cinnamon"

The twins snap their heads to me as well as Kate.


Kate giggles as she looks at the boys.

"Oh nothing.. boys what do you smell?"

"We both smelled vanilla and mint."

"Also a bit of apple? We aren't sure on that though."

Kate start to write down what they observed as well. I grab my apple slices from this morning and grab one popping it into my mouth. I put the rest back in my bag. The weaselbee brothers look at me with their jaws hanging open. Kate laughs and shakes her head. The rest of class went by slowly. The rest of the day did the same thing. Fred and George messing with Kate and I here and there.

"They are so annoying..."

"But they are soooo handsome y/n"

Kate and I where laying on the green out by the practice field for quidditch. I was propped up on my elbows. I could see the slytherin quidditch team head to the practice field as well as the gryffindor team. I nudge Kate and point to the quarrel brewing. We both sat up and watched as the team captains went back and forth. The twins look over to Kate and I and smile. I roll my eyes not realizing there was a tint of pink on my cheeks. Kate nudges me. I look back at the boys and see their faces are bright red and that they keep whispering to each other. I laugh and turn to Kate.

"I guess they have a slight crush huh? Weaslebees are so desperate."

Now the apple amortentia makes since.

"Omg finally! Y'all have been flirting for two years!"

"Shhhhh! No we have not! They have been nothing but pains!"


Kate and I lay there on the grass and keep talking about things. We still couldn't figure out who she had smelled but we definitely where sure I smelled the twins. I have no clue why I even would. I mean butterscotch does smell really nice and makes me feel cozy. Like going to Hogsmead in the winter. Now to prove that it was them. That would be the hard task. We decided to sneak off to the gryffindor dorms.

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