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I woke up with a huge headache. I rolled over and smelled butterscotch and vanilla. I rolled the other way and smelled butterscotch and cinnamon. Wait.. butterscotch?! I sat up and see I'm laying in between the weaselbee twins. I felt across my torso and body and felt my clothes. I sighed and quickly grabbed my stuff. Should I leave without telling them?.. I got back to my dorm and Kate came out of the bathroom. She smirked and grabbed my hand and lead me to the shower. She sat down a towel and make up remover. She went to go get my sweats and jumper. I took my hair down and took off the make up. Once Kate gave me my clothes I took a shower and came back to our dorm. I sat on Kate's bed.

"You know you have to tell me what happened"

"Okay okay.. so basically a lot of fireball and dancing and omg you should've seen the twins when Percy tried to flirt with me it was so cute. They get possessive when drunk and Percy gets apparently way more relaxed he was actually tolerable."

"Omg I wish I was there."

"Me too.. but I'll definitely sneak you in the next time. George ended up passed out on the couch and I thought I made it to our dorm last night but now that I mention it I only remember one set of  stairs."

The next few weeks passed with me watching the boys practice while studying with Kate or going to their games and parties. I couldn't wait for Christmas break. The Malfoys always hosted an amazing Christmas ball. Oh crap christmas and gifts. I forgot to wrap the boys presents. I grab the presents. I got Fred a small notebook. He was always trying to remember little ideas he had so I thought he might like this. I got his initials on it. For George I got him a small chemical set. He was really good at potions. Once I wrapped them I gave the gifts to my owl and headed to the great hall for our last breakfast. I saw the boys and waved. They waved back. I sat at my table as the owls dropped off the parcels. I got a small box wrapped in newspaper. I open it up and see a small gold hair clip in the shape of a star. I gasped and Kate leaned over gasping as well. I hand it to her and she clips it into the back of my hair where my hair is half up. Draco looked over to me.

"Who's that from?"

"I'm not sure but it's beautiful.."

"Well hurry up we need to get ready for the train"

I smile and get up with Kate and head to our dorm. One hand grabs my shoulder and another grabs my hand. They turn me around and I saw the twins.

"See you are wearing your Christmas gift?"

"Just gonna leave and not say thank you?"

"Oh my gosh! It was y'all?!"

I wanted to hug them but I resisted it. It was a beautiful pin but a Malfoy should never show that much emotion.

"Thank yall. But I must go. Don't want to miss the train."

"Of course. Kate and you should sit with us"

I smiled and left to grab my things. Kate and I grabbed our things and headed to the train. We got on and I checked in on my brother and his friends before coming back to Kate and I's cart. I sit down and sigh.

"Kate? What am I gonna do about these boys?.. they got me such a beautiful gift.."

"I'm not sure... we will figure it out though y/n"

She smiled and the boys came in. They sat opposite of Kate and I. George in front of Kate and Fred in front of me.

"Thanks for the gifts y/n"

"Very thoughtful.. we love them."

"I'm glad you liked them"

The train ride was over too quickly and soon I was saying bye to the twins. I had to say bye in the cart so that my parents wouldn't see. I swear I saw Kate hug George but I wasn't going to pry. Not yet at least.

"Bye boys"

"Awe don't get upset now"

"We will see ya soon y/n have a good holiday"

I nodded and pushed down the feelings bubbling up. I hugged Kate and grabbed my things going to my family. Draco was already there with father and mother.

"Father.. mother"

I nod to them and they nod back and we go to the manor. Once home I write to the boys. I grab my parchment but I'm not sure how to exactly start. Maybe I shouldn't write first. Yeah I won't write first. I'm a Malfoy I won't write first.

A week passes and my owl knocks on my window. I open it and she drops off a piece of parchment. I open it seeing the initials of the boys.

Hello y/n x2,

Your favorite gryffindors are wondering what marvelous things must be going on at the Malfoy manor this winter. Also George blew up a beaker from the set already. Well Fred filled his notebook with things of you. Did not! Yes you did! Anyways write us back!

The twins, F.W. & G.W.

I grabbed my quill and parchment. I wrote to the boys about the ball and how I got quite a lot of clothes for Christmas. I gave it to my owl and she flew off. The boys had no clue how much I wanted to see them. Well mainly how I wanted to see Fred.

The last week of break my owl gave me my third letter from the boys. Or so I thought it was from both.

Hello y/n,

Check the package. It's something from mum. She insisted we tell her about you and she made this for you. I understand if you don't wear it at your house but mum insisted.
See you soon y/n,

I opened the package and saw a dark green jumper with my initial on it in grey. I picked it up and smelled it. It smelled of grass and butterscotch. I chuckled remembering how potions class changed how I thought of the Wesley's. Only slightly though. I loved it and shoved it into my trunk. I planned to wear it for the train ride to hogwarts.

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