The mission

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Kate and I snuck off to the dorms before quidditch practice was done. We had maybe twenty minutes to find any evidence of butterscotch or anything of the sort. Kate was insistent it was the twins I smelled. When we opened the door to the boys room it was no surprise the sight before us. It was trashed. Clothes and books thrown everywhere. Random shoes laying here and there. They didn't even make their beds.

"You sure about this?"

"Yeah? I mean what other way would we be sure?"

Kate pushed me into the room and I visibly cringed. Who could possibly live like this? Hogwarts should look into cleaning elves. Kate start looking through the trunks at the foot of their beds. Meanwhile I looked in the closet. I opened the closet to see barely in clothes hung up. No shock there they are all on the floor. I shut the closet frustrated and go to the beds. I move stuff around and find a bag of butterscotch candies.

"Y/n! I found butterscotch candy on one of the bed-"

I look up at Kate and hold up the matching bag. So I did smell the twins in the potion. Why them though? I don't like them. If anything I despise them. Also I can't be with both twins that's insane. Why am I even thinking of the technicality of being with one of them?! I don't want to be with either of them! I huff and throw the candy down and storm off. My room became my holding cell for that night. Kate came back after dinner I assumed. She looked like she wanted to talk but she understood I didn't.
The next morning I wake up and no one is in the dorm. Crap I'm late! I grab my button up and hastily put it on grabbing my cloak and rushing down to potions.

"Has Snape started?"

I hastily sit down beside Kate. She shakes her head no and I lay my head on the desk. The sound of stools moving makes me sit up again and I see the twins sitting down. I start fidgeting getting this weird feeling in my chest. Kate grabs my shoulder.

"Y/n? You alright? You look pale.."

The twins turn their heads and their faces contort into an expression of concern. The feeling in my chest gets tighter. I can hardly breath. I grab my things and run out of the classroom. God what is going on with me?

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