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Weeks passed and I tried my hardest to avoid the weaselbee twins. Draco couldn't stay out of Harry and Ron's hair though. Father kept sending letters of encouragement to him while mother sent letters of disapproval to me about it like I was the one doing it. I walk up and sit by draco in the common room.

"Draco you gotta stop being around Ron and Harry moms worried you becoming obsessed"

"Father is encouraging me though and I believe mother is emotional"

"I agree but still back off till after break?"

"Fine for mother and not for your.. your boyfriends"

"They are not my boyfriends!"

I stormed up to my dorm and slam the door. Kate jumps up.

"What's wrong?"

"My dick head brother brought up the twins"

Kate hugs me and I hug back. She always knew when to give me affection or more when I needed it. Kate tried to distract me with the quidditch game. She helped me get ready. I wore something pretty close to the school uniforms. It was a black skirt and dark green sweater. Kate braided my hair and led to me to the slytherin stand. We where sitting at the very front. Draco was beside me with his posse. Gryffindors and hufflepuffs where playing. I didn't care but it was a great distraction from the- oh god the twins! The twins flew up and saw me. The smirked at each other then both flew close to the slytherin stand and blew me each a kiss. My face went pink and they flew off laughing. Draco punched me in the arm. I watched the rest of the game well really the twins. They really did know how to fly. No one could deny that they where good. The quaffle zoomed past and hit Fred in the stomach. He fell to the ground. George flew down and got his brother to the tent. I ran down the stand and to the tent. Fred was laying on a bench but George was already back to playing. I ran to Fred's side.

"Oh god are you okay?! Fred?!"

He groans and sits up holding his stomach with one hand. My eyebrows knit together and I sit beside him.

"I'm okay sweetheart"


Fred laughs and lays his head on my shoulder.

"I'm okay y/n don't worry so much. Now if you don't mind me asking why have you ignored me and my brother?"

I sighed and laid my head against him. I could see his cheeks go a light pink at the light affection.

"I can't be seen with y'all for one. I'm a Malfoy. Two y'all still piss me off with yalls pranks. I mean y'all cut my hair out first year.. and third I am not ready to date I don't want to do that with anyone for a while."

"Hmm.. didn't know you where so deep y/n. It is nice that you opened up though. So since you did I will. George and I don't want to date anyone either. I mean we think you are cute for sure but so does quite a few others. But we don't really know you because someone keeps ignoring us. And I understand the Malfoy thing stupid yes but you could just owl us a lot more."

I smiled slightly and sat back up right as the team entered cheering. A few stopped and gave me dirty looks but I just flipped them off. Harry was on George's shoulders. I chuckled softly and George sat Hardy down.

"Watching Fred for me aye?"

"Well of course. And good job bud I'm sure your dad would've been proud."

I gave Harry a high five and he looked bewildered. George and Fred shared a look of amusement. I leaned down to whisper to where Harry only could hear me.

"I'm not a dick like my brother."

I smiled and stood up going back to the twins. George wrapped his arm around me and pulled me in between him and Fred.

"Ew you are gross George you are all sweaty"

"Nevermind that there is a party happening in our common room tonight"

"We need a date"

"And you seem to be so willingly free"

"I'll do it for a price that way if anyone asks they think y'all paid me not that I willingly hang out with y'all"

"How much?" They say in unison.

"Five galleons"


"Okay ten then"

They look at me shocked and I chuckle slightly and lean close to them.

"I'm just joking boys"

The relax and I laugh and walk off. I find Kate and run up to her. I told her all about the party and how I needed help getting ready. She was so excited that I was letting her dress me in muggle clothes. We run to our dorm room and she starts pulling clothes out of her trunk. She pulls out a orange velvet tank top and a black mini skirt.

"That? Okay but I'm wearing it how I would."

I grab some fishnets and my combat boots and wear Kates clothes. She put my braid hair in a half up half down ponytail and the curls looked amazing. She insisted I wear some type of make up so she put eyeliner and red lipstick on me. Pansy looked over and gagged.

"Going to a gryffindor party? How pathetic.."

"Shut it pansy no one asked you"

Kate hugged me before she sprayed me down in my vanilla perfume and pushed me out the door. I raced off down to the gryffindor common room. I was greeted with loud music and a lot of people giving me nasty looks. Harry waved at me and smiled. I waved to him as well. Ron smiled a little and I went over to them.

"Hey Ron where's your brothers?"

"Uh- right behind you?"

I felt one arm wrap around my waist as another wrapped the other way around my waste. The twins pulled me away from the first years.

"Well don't you look beautiful tonight darling?"

George span me around and whistled. I giggled as Fred grabbed me.

"I think MY date looks very pretty."

"Excuse you she is OUR date"

"I am about to be nobody's if y'all do not quit"

The boys backed down after that. I grabbed me a solo cup and poured a little fireball into it. I still had to make it to my dorm tonight. The boys and I danced most of the night. Percy didn't have as much of a stick up his ass once he had some fireball in him. He was actually chill. Percy at one point even tried to flirt with me but George and Fred quickly stopped him. They get so protective when drunk. It was honestly cute. The rest of the night was a blur of drinking and dancing and honestly fun. I haven't really allowed myself to have this much fun in I don't know how long. Sometimes draco and I would sneak off during the balls we had at Malfoy manor but it was never this fun.

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