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"Draco tells me you have been seeing the Wesley twins?"

"No father-"

"Don't try to play dumb y/n draco has told me everything. I want you to stop tarnishing our name. You know how pure blood names can get dragged through the mud by association now this next semester I expect to hear nothing of the sorts"

"Yes father"

I looked out the window of the train. We got to the train early so I went ahead and took a cart. I wish draco wasn't such a brat. I wouldn't be in this stupid situation now. Kate came into the cart and hugged me.

"Y/n! It's been so longgggg. Wait what's wrong I know that look."

"My father and Draco are being pricks per usual... I can't be around-"

The twins open the cart door and come in. They both go to hug me but I push them off and sigh.  They looked confused but sat down anyways. I glanced at Fred and he looked hurt while George was mainly confused. Kate nudged me then motioned towards the twins. I nodded and pulled my knees to my chest. I laid my head down and fell asleep. When I woke up I didn't move at first. I could hear talking.

"Guys she can't help her image and family"


"But things where just getting good with her she finally didn't hate us"


"He's liked her forever Kate and you've been trying to help us why does her stupid family have to get involved?.."

George?.. where they talking about me? They had to be.

"Guys you have to give her time her family image is important to her and now with Draco here it won't be as easy.."

I sat up and looked at the three of them. I had to say something. I don't need Kate speaking on my behalf. I appreciate it but still I am my own person.

"Fred.. George... I can't help what my family says. They hate your family. Especially father. Mother isn't very keen either. And I agree y'all suck a lot but y'all two are a bit less annoying. I wish I could be friends with you both but father won't have it. I'm sorry.."

The train stops and I get up to leave. Fred pulls me into a hug and holds me for a while. I could tell my words hurt him but it was what father wanted. I hated my father. Why did he have to get in the middle of stuff. The only friend he allowed was Kate. Draco followed Kate and I the whole way to dinner and back to the dorms. I wanted to see the twins again but I know draco is gonna keep an eye on me so I'll have to be careful. God he always gets in the way. Kate knew I was upset but wasn't sure how to help.

"You are still wearing the star clip?"

"Oh- mhm.. I've wore it everyday.. oh! The weaselbee twins mother made me this!"

I pull out the jumper and put it on. It was warm and fuzzy. It also was a bit big. Mainly the sleeves.

"Awww it's so cute on you"

"I know.. it also smells like butterscotch"

Kate laughed and laid down since it was late. Taking the cue I did the same and fell asleep snuggled up in the jumper.

"How dare you disobey!"

"Lucius I was just- I- I love him! What do you want me to do?!"

"If you don't stop this nonsense they will die by the dark lord!"

"He can't do that! He can't!"

A flash of red shoots past me and I see Fred fall.

I snap awake. Did Fred just? Was that a dream? It has to be a dream... I grabbed my shoes slipping them on and took off down the corridors of the school. He has to be okay right?.. I sneak into the gryffindor common room and up to Fred and George's room. I open the door slowly and see both of them asleep. I let out a sigh and sat against the wall. Wait are they breathing?... I got up and leaned over George and could see his chest raising and falling slowly. I go over to Fred and trip slightly on his shoes on the floor. I fall onto him and his arms wrap around me. He looks at me confused. My face was bright pink but hidden by the darkness. He smiled softly and sat up keeping his arms around me. I leaned down close to him.

"Why did you sneak in here?.."

"I had a dream you-.. died.."

"Oh that will never happen y/n.. now go back to your room before you get in trouble."

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