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Your father is pleased to hear that those Weasly twins are no longer a part of your day. Please keep it that way for your sake. I hate what happened this summer.


Draco had kept his promise of not telling father about the twins. They where getting way more flirty though. I told them no countless times but they persisted. Kate thought I should date Fred. I didn't know how that would work and honestly I wasn't sure how to date. I had never seen father or mother be any type of loving. It scared me I would mess it up. I would avoid any and all things about dating. Especially since my talk with Draco. The one thing I couldn't do is date them.

"Just give him a shot y/n.. I'm sure he wouldn't be that bad to date. Y'all practically act it already."

"No Kate I'm not ready and if people keep pushing Im gonna blow up on someone"

"I'm sorry I just know that he could be good for you y/n.. you seem to like him"

"I think we just relate a little more.. he's more emotional than George.. and well I think it's obvious who George likes"

Kate and I continued our walk down the corridor to the library. We had to read over lycanthropy. It all contradicts its self so what's the point of learning it though. I saw hermione and waved but she rolled her eyes and kept reading. Bitch.. She thinks she is so special all because she is with the golden trio. Not as special as being a pureblood. Kate and I made a study area out of one of the tables by the window. I saw hermione reading about petrifying. Why would she read that? Was it because of what happened to those couple of students? I think some kid named Colin and Penelope where frozen? I got up from Kate and I's table and headed to the back to find all the old books. It got dark quickly as the light from the windows was far away. I found the books I was looking for and grabbed them. I opened one and saw the name lupin printed on the inside multiple times from checking it out. God this guy loved his werewolves huh? I opened the next book and saw the name again and again. I opened all the books and saw this guy had routinely checked out these books. What was up with this guy? I heard something move behind me.

"What ya doing back here y/n?"

I jumped dropping the books. Fred was there with a concerned look on his face. He started picking up the books and placing them in my hands.

"Be careful will ya? You almost got into the restricted area?"

I looked to my right and there was the sign not even a foot away.

"Oh I didn't even realize I did. And sorry for jumping I just didn't think anyone was following me."

"I wasn't following- just saw the most beautiful girl in hogwarts alone~"

I rolled my eyes and shoved passed him and went back to my table with Kate. God how does he pop up everywhere?

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