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Kate and I found ourselves back at the green lawn out by the quidditch field. The gryffindors where practicing. The twins kept glancing at me then talk to each other. They kept doing it and it was about to get on my nerves. I noticed the slytherin team coming up trying to take the field as always. The team captains where arguing and then Draco stepped up as Harry did. Is draco the seeker?! He sucks at flying! Well he doesn't but I can fly better than him. He has his new broom from Christmas! Wait- all the team does. He got father to buy his way! God I'm gonna tear that brat apart! I told him to not use father! I get up and storm over. Kate running close behind. I grab Dracos collar.


"You brat! Stop using father to get what you want! Dorm room! Now!"

Draco huffed and ran off to the dorms. The slytherin team grumbled at me. They looked like they wanted to hurt me for busting their ego but they all looked too scared to come close. The captain however,dumb as ever, stepped forward.

"Are you a slytherin?"

"Questioning a Malfoy?"

"Well I'd go as far to question that you gryffindor lover! How dare you disgrace your own house!"

"You. Do not get to yell at me!"

I felt two hands on each of my shoulders. I looked to my left and saw George. I looked to my right and saw Fred. Both of those faces stoic. They looked like they could murder someone. I've never seen them this protective. Harry and the rest of the team stepped up behind them.

"Don't even think of raising your voice to y/n Malfoy ever again."

"You better scurry back to where you came from aye?"

"Gryffindors.. siding with a slytherin... what has come of y'all. You will never be a true slytherin or a Malfoy y/n.."

The captain and his team stormed off. The gryffindors cheered and lifted me up onto George and Fred's shoulders. Harry looked awe stuck and so did Ron. Hermione was laughing and cheering with the rest of the quidditch team. Maybe the gryffindors wherent so bad.  The twins finally set me down. They where both smiling at me and Fred was even acknowledging me.

"I'm so glad we are okay again.. I'm sorry for the summer break"

"We know it was out of your control.."

"I'm sorry for being so sensitive about it y/n"

"It's okie Freddy don't worry"

"Freddy? I got a nickname huh?"

"Aww why don't I get one y/n?"

"Boys I gotta go still can't be seen with y'all and I gotta get onto draco for using father. I'll see y'all around"

I waved to the twins as I ran back to the dorms with Kate. She couldn't stop talking about how cool I was for standing up for the gryffindors. She said it proved that slytherins can be good but I wasn't too sure of that. I knew it would set me right with the twins. I didn't care what happened between the quidditch teams. I just wanted to be okay with the twins. It hurt not being able to at least look at each other in the halls or class. I walk into the common room and it falls silent. Everyone was glaring at me. Wow news travels fast. I go up to Draco's dorm room and open the door.


"How dare you embarrass me!"


"No! I don't want to hear it y/n! You know that I wanted to be on the team and I found a way! Just because you don't like my methods does not constitute to you standing up for those stupid Weaslys again! What is up with you and them?! What is so special about prank pulling knuckle heads?! What happened to you being my friend here y/n?! You said you'd be my protection but no!"

Draco plopped down on his bed and put his head in his hands. I sat beside him and wrapped my arm around his shoulders. I did plan to watch over him here but he already made his presence known so I felt there was no need.

"Draco.. I didn't think you needed me. You did great on your own. The only people dumb enough to touch you are Harry and his dorks. And if they do you tell me. I'm still your big sis Draco. And too be honest I don't know why I care for those twins. I really don't."

"You took so many beatings becuase of it. It's reckless and dumb y/n.. just get rid of them"

"This friendship isn't so easy.. you know how we would laugh as we made jokes and skipped rocks on the pond when missing a ball? They make me laugh like that. And so does Kate. So it's not easy to get them to leave"

"Just try not to date them? I'll tell dad you've kept your distance as long as I can but if you dare to date those boys I'll tell dad everything"

"Okay fine fine just please don't tell father anything"

"I promise.."

I smiles gently and hugged draco. We hugged rarely but it was nice when we did. I walked back to the common room about to go back to my dorm but some one grabbed me. It was the quidditch captain. I looked around the common room and it was only the other quidditch players. Welp I'm shit out of luck. The boys started punching and eventually kicking until I stopped moving. I don't remember much. I remember a shrill scream and bright blonde hair leaning over me. I remember someone carrying me. They seemed really young. I remember gasps and whispers. I remember hearing running and feeling something grab both my hands. I eventually passed out though. When I woke up I saw Fred there by my bedside. I looked around and saw it was night. He was breaking curfew.


"Bloody hell y/n.. how are you feeling?.."

"Better.. what happened?.."

"Some quidditch players beat you up pretty bad. Kate found you on the common room floor. Then draco carried you to the hospital wing and he came and got George and I. George and I have been taking shifts watching you. Once they find who did this they are expelled from hogwarts. They better be glad that's all they get because-.. hell when George found out he wanted to go chase them down. Draco stopped him though."


I looked down to see Fred's hand was intertwined in mine. I smiled slightly and squeezed Fred's hand. He smiles and handed me his jumper. The twins knew that Lucius burned the one their mum made.

"Take it for the night.. sleep well y/n.. and no more fights?"

"No more"

Ten Galleons Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon