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It was my first day of school and I sure wasn't sure how to feel, I mean I've never been the "new kid" before.

I had decided to play it safe wearing a pair of jeans and nice top, I wasn't sure how other people around here dressed really but from instagram photos I saw a lot of girls wearing almost the exact same thing as I was.

As I walked out of my house and started walking to my new bus stop I was hit with a wave of anxiety.

I mean what if everyone hated me? What if I get on the wrong bus? Before I could get to deep into my thoughts I heard a voice call out my name.

"Y/n!" I turned around to see Jake waving to me, standing by a group of kids nearby.

"Hey!" I said

"Excited for your first day?" He asked.

"Yeah, I mean I'm a little nervous though." I admitted.

"Hey I can show you around, and if it makes you feel any better I didn't want to come to school today either." He said.

"Yeah, thanks." I smiled as we got onto the bus.

I sat with Jake who sat near the back of the bus and I noticed he was staring at somebody, I was trying to figure out if it was the boy sitting in front of us or not.

"Who are you staring at?" I teased Jake.

"Devon, he's the one in front of us holding the magazine." Jake explained, sounding flustered.

"Oooh he's cute." I teased again as Jake let out a small giggle.

"And who's that?" I asked subtly pointing to the brunette boy sitting next to Devon.

"Junior, my cousin." Jake said.

"Oh." I said in a surprised voice.

Jake chuckled, "I get you're surprised, everyone is. He's the perfect one in the family." Jake said.

"What do you mean?" I questioned as I got off the bus, now walking side by side with Jake.

"Well, he's an athlete, his parents are rich and he's got good looks." Jake explained

"You do to Jake, and I'm sure Devon likes you back." I said trying to sound reassuring as I rubbed jakes arm.

"You think so?" Jake asked enthusiastically.

I nodded my head, "it's his loss if he doesn't, I haven't even known you a week and you're already one of my best friends here." I smiled.

"Thanks for making me feel better, you're a really good friend, y/n." Jake said.

I smiled as we kept walking, "oh and one more thing, if lexy bothers you ignore her. She's not who you think she might be." Jake warned.

I had to pretend in front of Jake I had no idea who lexy was as if I didn't use her Instagram as my outfit inspo that morning.

The school was huge and I soon realized how lucky I was to have Jake by my side, because without him I would've been lost.

"Ugh I can't find my locker." I said as I looked around then back down at the paper which had my locker number written on it.

Finally I found it, locker b-12.

"Oh that's funny, your lockers next to mine." Jake laughed as he opened his locker.

"Oh, this is great, now I'll never be lost!" I smiled, as I began unlocking my locker.

After I finally got it open, jakes cousin junior and lexy had approached Jake.

"Who's this Jake? Your new girlfriend?" Junior teased Jake.

"No, and her names y/n she just moved here." Jake said annoyed.

I smiled and waved to the two, "I'm lexy, lexy cross. And this is junior, my boyfriend." Lexy said.

"It's nice to meet you guys and I love your shirt, lexy." I responded trying to sound nice.

"Well, we should get going, bye y/n." Lexy said as she grabbed juniors hand tighter and walked away.

"Bye!" I Said while shutting my locker.

I made sure they were well down the hallway until I gave Jake my honest opinion.

"Oh my gosh, she's such a bitch." I said.

"I know, and she's always like this too." Jake responded.

I know I didn't even know junior but, I felt really bad for him, despite what Jake had said about him, his girlfriend was not ideal for him.

But, I just brushed it off, "I can tell." I laughed.

"Anyways, y/n what's your first period?" Jake asked.

"Uh." I started as I pulled out my schedule.

"Biology, what about you?" I asked.

"Me too, I'll show you the way." Jake said.

I smiled as we walked to biology the day kept getting better, my first friend had a locker next to me and we shared first period together.


I sat down in biology, right next to jake who had just informed me that, mrs Fairchild the teacher was going to ask me to introduce myself in front of the class.

"Great." I Said to Jake as I got mentally prepared to embarrass my self in front of everyone.

"Class, we have a new student, would you please introduce yourself and tell us a few things about yourself?" She said.

I stood up out of my stool and smiled, "my names y/n y/l/n I just moved here from y/t y/c, I'm 16 and I do y/h."

I was so nervous and embarrassed I sat down immediately.

Being the new kid really did suck.

However, the oddest thing to me wasn't that everyone was being nice to me, but rather because I felt a set of eyes burning into the back of my head.

"Uh Jake." I whispered.

"Why do I have the feeling someone's staring at me?" I asked, still whispering.

"I guess you're right." He said in a quiet town back as he subtly turned around to see who.

"Please don't tell me it's lexy." I whispered.

"No, it's junior." He whispered back.

End of chapter
Word count: 1004

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