Pt. 5

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After having fun with Jake, I headed home, grinning ear to ear.

My dad and Lauren were still at work so, I grabbed a snack from out of the pantry and went upstairs to my room.

After closing the front door behind me, my mom had always taught me to be extra safe and before she died everything at home was amazing.

Things with my dad and Lauren were still great but, I missed my mom especially since everything in this house reminded me of her.

I was scrolling through my phone then something caught my eye, an article about Hackensack.

The crime rate and murder rate was insane here.

Yet they still considered Hackensack a very safe town to live in.

I don't think my dad had any idea, since he moved down here with the idea that this would be a "safer" place for us, but in a way I suppose he thought it was safer then where we used to live.

I turned on the tv and noticed a move was playing, a movie me and my mom used to watch together all the time, It was called

I started to get sad thinking about my mom and how quickly my dad had replaced her with Lauren, not like I hated Lauren or anything.

Then before I could continue thinking, I got a text from Jake.

One of Devon's friends, was throwing a party and he invited me to go, I thought it was a bad idea at first but then I decided to go.

After all it would be my first Party in my new town.


I showed up at the party that night through a virtual invitation that was sent to me by Devon's friend.

Unsurprisingly it was a typical house party, no parents and a LOT of alcohol, surprisingly though some people start partying at fourteen, drinking and having a blast.

I saw Devon standing with the girl who was throwing the party and decided to approach them.

"Hi, I'm y/n." I said holding my hand out for a hand shake.

"Hey, I'm Emma." She said shaking my hand.

"This party is really nice." I complimented.

Before I could get to know her any better, Jake had approached me.

"Hey let's go get a drink, I see lexy and junior." He whispered in my ear.

"Okay." I whispered back.

"I'm really sorry but I have to take Jake some where he's a bit drunk." I said as an excuse to go away with Jake.

"Okay, it was nice meeting you, y/n." Emma said.

"It was lovely meeting you too, Emma." I said as I started to walk away with Jake to the drink table.

As we got there lexy approached the table as well, she was a little bit over dressed wearing an expensive dress with a pair of heels and her hair slicked back.

"Hey, y/n." She said in the same fake, bitchy voice, reminding me of the first time I met her.

"Hey, lexy, you look great." I said trying to be nice instead of stooping down to her level of pettiness for no reason.

"I know." Lexy said as she poured herself a red solo cup filled with only vodka.

I rolled my eyes as I poured myself a cup filled with god knows what.

Lexy faked smiled as junior approached, "hey babe." she said as she kissed him on the lips.

Junior smiled at me, "is this your party, y/n?" He asked.

"Oh, no it's one of my friends." I answered.

"Oh alright." He said.

"Anyways, it was good seeing you guys but we should go, we promised someone we would be back." I said as I grabbed jakes hand dragging him away, I started to walk away I over heard lexy yelling at junior.

"Stop staring at her, junior! I'm your girlfriend not her!" She yelled.

I look over to Jake and scoff, she was being jealous for no reason, junior was a rude person and not somebody I would be interested in dating anyways.

by 10, I had about 4 or 5 drinks and I was a little fuzzy maybe even dizzy, Jake was chatting with Devon and maybe even flirting with him.

Me on the other hand, I had nothing to do occasionally people complimented me or started small talk, other then that nothing to exciting happened.

Before I knew it, it was 12 and I was supposed to be home an hour ago.

"Jake can you walk me home." I said slightly drunk.

"Of course." Jake said as he grabbed me by the hand walking me out of the house.

By the time Jake walked me home it was 12:30 and I was out an hour and a half pass my curfew.

as I walked into my house, only to be met by my dad sitting at the kitchen table.

"Where have you been?" He asked in a serious tone.

I laughed, still slightly drunk, "Having fun, for once!"

"Are you drunk!?" D/n asked slightly yelling, I'd never seen him this angry at me before.

Before tonight I had been what my dad liked to call "the perfect child" I had never gotten it trouble or broken a single one of my dads rules.

Until tonight, but I didn't really care I mean breaking the rules just made me feel free, I had been that perfect child for sixteen years.

"You know what, I'll deal with you in the morning." He said, still as serious and upset.

I nodded my head as I walked upstairs into my room slightly stumbling.

I was throwing up pretty much the rest of the night and only got about two hours of sleep.

I went downstairs the next morning and was met by my dad and Lauren sitting at the dining room table.

"Y/n, take a seat." My dad said.

"Ever since we've been in this town you've been different and we think that the kids you've been hanging out with are having a negative impact on you." My dad said.

"You just made us so worried, coming home late drunk, it made us very concerned for you y/n." Lauren said.

"So we decided it would be best if we flew you out so you could stay at your grandparents for a little while." My dad added.

"What!? For how long?" I asked demanding an answer, this was SO unfair In my opinion, I had finally fully settled here but now Lauren and my dad wanted to ruin this for me?

"Atleast a month." My dad said.

"And respectfully who's we?" I asked.

"Me and your father." Lauren answered.

"Well, Lauren I'll listen to my dad but no you, you're not my fucking mom." I said leaving the table and going up to my room slamming the door behind me.

End of chapter
Word count: 1157

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