Suffocating silence

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The days started to blend, I never knew when it started but slowly I realised it was the same cycle over and over again, work sleep repeat, work sleep repeat I was getting mocked by the voices in my head asking me if I was enough. 

He closed his eyes tired, physically. 

“He’s only keeping you because of pity’’ 

“He never cared for you”

“He’s only there because of your talent nothing else’’

“Did you think that he would keep you? You are nothing but a mix breed”

“You have a cut sleeve, remember? Who would love you?”

“Your not worth being shunned for”

“Your nothing but a waste of space”

“You Mongolian”

Stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop STOP STOP STOP STOP PLEASE.

I Can't take it anymore please stop, please stop, please stop, please stop, am begging you, Shut up Shut Up…






Please shut up…

Lage puffs of air could be heard as he woke, he was sweaty, it was hot, too hot, he hates it, he hates it a lot. After calming down, he let his mind linger once more the midnight air suffocating him.

I am here but I feel empty, I feel useless, I feel like a void, I wanna stop existing.
I wanna leave everything, I wanna be with him again.
Oh to be with him, what a wonderful thought.

All my life I thought I would be shunned for something I can't control, but you were always there for me my dear, friend?

Can you even call me a friend?

After what I did to you? Heh, what kind of person would call me a friend after I left them for dead?

Stupid little me, nothing more but a waste of space right?

He was emotionally and mentally tired, too tired.

“I noticed some things recently, it doesn't bleed as much as it used to…”

“should i be worried?”


This piece of artistic expression was inspired by a character named Aventurine or Kakavasha a character broken down by the world, a slave to his luck, undying no matter how many hardships he has faced due to his race, being unable to control why people treat him with such distain to his bloodline. 

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