I Could See You Staring

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Ali's pov:

After the acoustic thing, and the photos, me and Anna were just hanging around. Then Anna ran off to go talk to Olli. Anna was quite tipsy. Just for the record. I just stood there with my water my eyes on my phone but glancing up at Anna to make sure she is okay like she's a little kid. I was so caught up in watching Anna, that I didn't realise Niko was stood next to me trying to get my attention without speaking.

Niko: ".....uh- hello- hi"
Ali: "Wha-"

I spin my head around to see Niko

Ali: "hi."
Niko: "I saw you during the show and the acoustic show."
Ali: "I believe I saw you too"
Niko: "I could see you staring at me."
Ali: "I was zoned out, don't flatter yourself"
I chuckle
Niko: "you looked pretty zoned in."
Ali: "maybe you just don't know what I look like when zoned out"
Niko: "anyways. Enjoy the show?"
Ali: "It was okay"
Niko: "Just okay?"
Ali: "I'm not a fan, just bringing my friend Anna here."
Niko: "Is she the drunk girl talking to Olli?"
Ali: "yeah"
I chuckle, and so does Niko

I put my phone away and look at Niko, drinking my water

Niko: "what you drinking?"
Ali: "water."
Niko: "why water?"
Ali: "well i dont like drinking alcohol that much, I have to take care of that little ditz over there, and I'm on driving duty"
Niko: "ahhhh, a responsible person"
Ali: "it's mainly just because I don't wanna have a headache tomorrow"
Niko: "you got work tomorrow?"
Ali: "yeah"
Niko: "what do you do for work?"
Ali: "I work in a store part time, part time in a tattoo shop."
Niko: "thats cool. You done any cool tattoos?"
Ali: "I've done a few"
Niko: "You got any hobbies?"
Ali: "bass, longboarding, naps, threatening to hurt Anna when she is being stupid to get her to stop"
Niko: "Nice. I play piano, and I have a cat."
Ali: "cool, what's your cats name?"
Niko: "Rommi"
Ali: "That's cute"
Niko: "Yeah"
Ali: "I like your hair, how long you been growing it for?"
Niko: "Few years now"
Ali: "Thats cool. Takes a lot of patience."
Niko: "Yeah...Olli and your friend look like they're hitting it off"

Niko points to see Anna and Olli clearly flirting

Ali: "For fucks sake. This will be fun to comfort her when she gets pushed away when she thinks "they had something special". Like every time before."
Niko: "...Olli seems to like her....he never acts like this.."
Ali: "That's worse."
Niko: "How so?"
Ali: "Because that means he will fuck her, fuck off, and then it's my problem."
Niko: "thats fair. does it happen a lot with your friend?"
Ali: "She's a little ditzy, but stupid, I feel like a parent sometimes. She's the kinda girl to ask what kinda candy the man in the van has, or ask what flavour the Kool aid is"
Niko: "ohhhhh, one of those?"
Ali: "yeah. I never let her drive because of it"
Niko: "How old is she?"
Ali: "27. I'm 28."
Niko: "Cool, I just turned 29 in January"
Ali: "Happy late birthday"
Niko: "Thanks. Are you turning 29 this year or have you only just turned it?"
Ali: "29 in June"
Niko: "Thats nice. A June birthday means that you are halfway in the year so it's like, Christmas, if you celebrate it, 6 months, birthday, 6 months Christmas if you celebrate it"
Ali: "Yeah, I don't like celebrating my birthday though. I just like sitting in a bath for an hour and get peace and quiet from Anna. She also makes me celebrate Christmas. Makes me decorate and shit. Such a clingy human."
Niko: "Joel is like that sometimes, some days on tour, he will just outright refuse to go anywhere by himself. Always needs someone with him."
Ali: "My life is like that constantly. Honestly it's exhausting"
Niko: "Do you like books?"
Ali: "Not really. They confuse me and reading makes my eyes hurt."
Niko: "You should probably get that checked out."
Ali: "I have, I have glasses, I just dont wear them because they make me look like a fucking dork."
Niko: "Fair enough. You like movies?"
Ali: "Yeah. Better than books."
Niko: "What's your favourite movie?"
Ali: "Dunno, really. Probably either some comedy shit. I don't like to take shit seriously, if you haven't noticed"

I take a sip of my drink.

Niko: "I have. My favourite movie is the titanic."
Ali: "I know, I saw the tattoo"
Niko: "Yeah, hurt like fuck."
Ali: "Dont all tattoos?"
Niko: ".....Fair point. I think Olli and your friend are giving each other their numbers."

Oh. Shit.

Ali: "Yay, more fun for me."

I say very sarcastically, drinking my drink

Niko: "I can tell you're a very enthusiastic person."
Ali: "Why be enthusiastic about life when we're all gonna die soon? I don't see the point in lying to myself about thinking the world is heaven when soon it'll all be over"
Niko: "Thats a bit......depressing"
Ali: "Get used to it, sweetheart."

I walk away and put my empty cup in the bin and go and sit down somewhere, waiting for Anna.

Niko's pov:
I could not believe this. The person I was talking to, never learnt their name, had this conversation, and they called me sweetheart and walked away. Fucking hell.

Ali's pov:
I just go on my phone, i send Anna a text that imma go wait in the car, and I get up, walking out of the building to get in my car, i get in the drivers seat, and don't bother starting the car, I just sit there, slide down in my seat, playing useless games on me phone. After a while, Anna walks out, gets in the car, and i sit up, putting my phone down, and turning the car on.

Anna: "WELL?!"
Ali: "Well what?"
Anna: "Why were you talking to Niko?"
Ali: "I was waiting for you, and, I was having a drink, and I was stood there, and he walked up and started talking to me."
Anna: "I talked to Olli."
Ali: "I know. I saw."
Anna: "I got his number"
Ali: "Good for you"

I start to drive home. That stupid long haired singer in my stupid head.

XOXO- Niko Vilhelm Moilanen Where stories live. Discover now