I think i might actually have a crush now.

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Ali's pov:
It's been 3 weeks since i met Niko. He circulates around my brain. He comes and talks to me all during my shifts, we text on Whatsapp now instead of instagram. We flirt a lot, yeah. But its all just a joke, right?

Niko's pov:
Its been 3 weeks since i met Ali. I cant lie, they're really cute. I really like them. Like, a crush. I wouldnt admit it or act on it or anything. Just a little crush. I go and see them every single day at their work. I bring coffee, all that. I text them every day. I wanna hang out with them. Its currently a friday night. Im hanging out in my room by myself, well, Rommi is napping on the bed behind me. But there is a party tonight. And i wanna invite Ali.

Ali's pov:
I got a text from Niko.

Niko: "yo, my friend is having a party tonight, wanna come? I really dont wanna go by myself."
Ali: "sure."
Niko: "where do you live?"
Ali: "alright Joe Goldberg, calm down, meet at the path next to that school?"
Niko: "sure. Be there at 9"
Ali: "will do"

I get ready, jeans and a t shirt, and a hoodie, of course, i have my headphones in and im stood on the pavement waiting for Niko. He pulls up in a car. I get in.

Niko: "yo"
Ali: "hey"
Niko: "hi"
Ali: "hello"
Niko: "hey"
Ali: "hi"
Niko: "how are you?"
Ali: "im okay. You?"
Niko: "I'm alright. You look great. Really really great"
Ali: "sounds like you are flirting again"
Niko: "shut up"
Ali: "make me"
Niko: "........ugh."

We get to the party, it's just a chill house party, to be honest.

Niko: "want a drink?"
Ali: "what drinks are there?"
Niko: "soda, alcoholic, water, anything, really"
Ali: "i know i shouldnt, but im not driving, so what alcohol is there?"

A few drinks later, i was just hanging out with Niko talking about random things. Fuck, this guy is actually really nice. Yeah, i was a TINY bit tipsy, but im fine.

Me and Niko spend the rest of the night talking and talking and then also a bit more talking.

At this point, Niko has his hands on my hips so i dont fall over, im that fucking drunk. Im fading.

Niko's pov:
I have my hands on Ali's hips, holding them up. Ive ran into a little problem. Ali is so drunk, that im holding them up. How am i gonna get them home whilst they are half unconscious. Okay, 3 quarters unconscious. How am i supposed to make sure they are alright. Taking them back to my place might be a little creepy. But i think it would be a good idea. Im sober, so i can drive.

Ali's pov:
At this point, im leaning forward, my head against Niko's chest as i stand up, im practically dead at this point. I move even closer into Niko, he wraps his arms around me. It feels amazing. He gently sways me to the music. I could feel myself slowly falling asleep stood up in Niko's arms.

The next morning, i wake up in a dim room, in a warm, comfortable bed. One problem, it isnt MY bed. Might have a LITTLE problem there.

I lay there for a few minutes, before the door opens, Niko comes in. Thank fuck. He comes and sits next to me on the bed, and wraps an arm around me, rubbing my back gently.

Niko: "hey"
Ali: "hi"
Niko: "how you feeling?"
Ali: "like i went to a party, got drunk, and woke up in a man's bed"
Niko: "that sounds creepy. Your head hurt?"
Ali: "yeah"
Niko: "are you able to have ibuprofen, or paracetamol, or?"
Ali: "i can have ibuprofen"
Niko: "okay. But you need to eat before you have one."
Ali: "i know."
Niko: "any preferences on food?"
Ali: "i dont care that much"

Niko goes downstairs and comes back up with a plate of toast and a box of ibuprofen and a drink of water.

I eat the toast, and then comes the bad part. Ive never really liked taking tablets or pills or anything like that. Its weird. Ever since i was a kid i never liked it. I feel like Niko could tell from how i was just staring at the ibuprofen in my hand i was nervous.





Niko held my hand as i took it, and had a drink, and then he gave me a hug.

Ali: "be careful or i might think you actually like me."
Niko: "shut up. Maybe i do"
Ali: "maybe you are severely mentally ill"
Niko: "maybe im not, and if i did like you, i would just be highly intelligent."
Ali: "i doubt that"

Me and Niko ended up sitting in his bed, and we are now watching movies. How did i get here?

After about 3 movies of Niko holding my hand, he moves, and leans his head on my chest as he watches. I immediately take my hand into his long hair. Man, this guy is so cute. After a littlw while, he gets all comfortable and pulls the covers over us, and wraps his arms around me as he continues to lay with his head on my chest. I just cuddle him closer. Fuck. Me. Im cuddling him. I am cuddling Niko Vilhelm Moilanen.

Niko's pov:
Holy fuck. I took a massive risk when leaning my head on Ali's chest, and look at this, this is working out so good. I mean, we are CUDDLING. And honestly, i could just take a nap here. They are so comfortable to cuddle with. Fucking hell

Ali's pov:
Niko fell asleep 50 minutes ago. I have just kept cuddling him as he slept. Im not even sure why im still here. But im not complaining.

I think i might actually have a crush now.

XOXO- Niko Vilhelm Moilanen Where stories live. Discover now