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Marshall, his heart pounding a frantic rhythm against his ribs, joined the team on the rescue mission. His movements were slower, more deliberate, a result of the unfamiliar weight of his newly formed obsidian claws. Yet, a newfound resolve burned within him. He wouldn't let his fear cripple him any longer.

As they reached the first landslide site, Ryder directed the pups. "Rubble, use your bulldozer to clear the larger debris. Chase, you and Skye work together to search for anyone trapped."

Marshall hung back, his gaze darting nervously between the fallen trees and watchful eyes of his teammates. He yearned to prove himself, to be the dependable pup they all knew. But the secret coiled within him, a monstrous truth threatening to burst free, kept him rooted to the spot.

Suddenly, a yelp pierced the air. Skye swooped down, her voice laced with urgency. "Ryder! I spotted a family trapped under a fallen log cabin!"

Marshall's fear momentarily forgotten, adrenaline surged through him. He sprinted towards the wreckage, his claws digging into the loose earth with surprising traction. Reaching the cabin, he saw a young girl, no older than five, huddled beneath a large log, her parents frantically trying to free her.

Without hesitation, Marshall positioned himself beneath the log. Using a strength he never knew he possessed, he pushed upwards with a primal roar that startled even himself. The log groaned and lifted, creating enough space for the parents to pull their daughter free. Relief washed over their faces as they embraced their child, showering Marshall with grateful tears.

The other pups watched in stunned silence. Marshall, panting heavily, retracted his claws, the obsidian tips momentarily catching the sunlight before disappearing beneath his fur. A blush crept up his cheeks, the weight of their curious stares heavier than the log he'd just lifted.

"Marshall, that was incredible!" Chase exclaimed, the usual stoicism momentarily cracked. "How did you...?"

Marshall stammered, searching for an explanation. "I-I guess I just got a burst of adrenaline," he mumbled, hoping it sounded believable.

Ryder, ever perceptive, placed a hand on Marshall's shoulder. "Well done, Marshall. You saved that family. You're a true hero, no matter what."

Marshall offered a weak smile, his insides churning with a mix of relief and dread. He had helped, but for how long could he keep this secret? The tremor might have been a natural disaster, but the change within him felt ominous, a harbinger of something far more unsettling.

Later that evening, as the pups settled down for movie night, Marshall found himself drawn to Everest. She sat huddled beneath a plush blanket, her blue eyes filled with a concern he couldn't ignore. He sat beside her, their silence heavy with unspoken questions.

"Marshall," Everest finally spoke, her voice soft. "About what happened today..."

Marshall flinched, his heart pounding against his ribs. "It was nothing," he blurted out, his voice laced with desperation. "Just a lucky guess."

Everest's gaze held his, unwavering. "Marshall, I know there's more to it. You can tell me."

He yearned to confide in her, to share the monstrous truth that gnawed at him. But the fear of rejection, of losing the one pup who seemed to see past his clumsiness, kept him silent.

"I-I just don't understand it myself," he stammered, looking away.

Everest sighed, placing a gentle paw on his back. "Whatever it is, Marshall," she said, her voice firm but laced with warmth, "we'll figure it out together. You're not alone."

Marshall found himself clinging to her words, a fragile hope flickering amidst the growing darkness within him. He didn't know what the future held, what this transformation meant, but for now, Everest's unwavering support was a lifeline he desperately clung to. As the movie played on, casting flickering shadows across the room, Marshall knew his secret couldn't stay hidden forever. The question gnawing at him wasn't if, but when the monstrous truth would finally be revealed.

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