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The following night, after a restless sleep plagued by unsettling dreams, Marshall found himself pacing nervously outside the Lookout. Everest, ever-observant, approached him, her blue eyes filled with concern.

"Marshall, you haven't been sleeping," she said softly. "Is everything alright?"

He shook his head, his voice trembling. "It's just... this change. I don't know what's happening to me, Everest."

Hesitantly, he revealed the secret he'd been desperately trying to hold onto – the obsidian claws, the strange warmth in his core, the fleeting emerald glow in his eyes. Tears welled up as he spoke, the fear of rejection looming large.

Everest listened intently, her expression unreadable. When he finished, she wrapped him in a warm hug, the gesture offering a much-needed solace.

"Marshall," she said, her voice firm but gentle, "you're not alone in this. We'll figure it out together. But maybe..." she paused, a hesitant look crossing her face, "maybe Ryder can help too."

The suggestion sparked a flicker of hope in Marshall's chest. Ryder had always been resourceful, perhaps his leader could offer some explanation or guidance. He confided in Everest his anxieties about revealing his secret to the entire team.

Understanding dawned in Everest's eyes. "We don't have to tell them everything," she reassured him. "Just enough for Ryder to know something's wrong."

Together, they formulated a plan. Later that day, Everest approached Ryder, her brow furrowed with concern. "Ryder, I need to talk to you about Marshall," she said, her voice serious.

Ryder, sensing the urgency in her voice, ushered her into his office. Everest explained what she'd observed – Marshall's clumsiness, the strange glow in his eyes, and his sudden burst of strength. She left out the details about the claws, fearing it would sound fantastical.

Ryder listened intently, his brow furrowed in thought. "Thank you for telling me, Everest," he said finally. "This is concerning. I'll schedule a visit with Katie for Marshall."

Relief washed over Marshall when he learned he wouldn't be revealing his entire secret to the pups. Maybe Katie, with her advanced equipment, could find a reason for the changes. He approached Ryder with a hopeful smile.

"Ryder, sir, about the visit to Katie..."

Ryder placed a hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry, Marshall. We'll get to the bottom of this."

The visit to Katie, however, proved inconclusive. The tests ran normal, leaving everyone even more baffled. Back at the Lookout, the pups bombarded Marshall with questions.

"Marshall, how did you get so strong all of a sudden?" Chase asked, his brow furrowed.

"Yeah, it was like you were a super-pup or something," Rubble added, his eyes wide with wonder.

Marshall cringed at the word "super-pup." Superpowers were the stuff of cartoons, not real life.  "I-I don't know," he stammered, hoping they wouldn't press further.

The pups, though confused, didn't dwell on it for long. Pups, after all, were easily distracted by the next exciting mission or tasty treat. Yet, a seed of curiosity had been planted. They kept a watchful eye on Marshall, noticing the way he moved with a newfound grace, his leaps slightly higher, his landings a little heavier.

Despite the lingering uncertainty, a sense of camaraderie and support enveloped Marshall. He wasn't alone in this. He had Everest at his side, and his team, while clueless about the specifics, had his back. He knew that no matter what monstrous form he might take, they would face it together. As he looked out at the setting sun, casting long shadows across Adventure Bay, Marshall took a deep breath. The future remained shrouded in mystery, but for now, he had hope, and that was enough to keep him going.

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