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Guilt gnawed at Marshall's insides. Ever since his transformation, an overprotective instinct flared up whenever Everest was in danger. It was a primal urge, a need to shield the one who had shown him unwavering support when everyone else faltered.

During a routine rescue mission on a slippery mountain slope, Marshall found himself fixated on Everest. He ignored the pleas of the stranded snowboarder, his focus solely on Everest's precarious footing. When she slipped, his monstrous form propelled him forward in a blur of black scales and emerald glow.

He tackled Everest before she could tumble down the slope, the force of the impact sending them both tumbling into a heap of snow. Relief washed over him as he saw she was unharmed, but Everest wasn't as happy.

She pushed herself out of the snow, brushing snowflakes off her fur. "Marshall!" she snapped, her voice laced with anger. "What was that? You nearly crushed us both!"

Shame washed over Marshall. He hadn't meant to scare her. He stammered an apology, his voice laced with remorse.

Everest, however, wasn't appeased. Her frustration boiled over. "You've changed, Marshall," she spat, her voice trembling with a mix of fear and anger. "You're not the same playful pup anymore. You're… you're an ugly monster!"

The words struck Marshall like a physical blow. The acceptance he had fought so hard for crumbled to dust. Tears welled up in his eyes, blurring his vision. He was a monster after all. No wonder Everest was scared.

Without a word, he spread his leathery wings and took flight, the wind whipping at his tear-stained face. He soared away from the mountain rescue, away from the prying eyes of his friends, until he reached the dense cover of the Whispering Woods.

Landing with a heavy thud, he collapsed beneath a towering oak, his monstrous form trembling with hurt and despair. He curled up, burying his face in his wings, a whimper escaping his throat.

A rustle in the leaves alerted him. He looked up to see Everest cautiously approaching. Her eyes, usually filled with warmth and concern, now held a flicker of uncertainty.

"Marshall?" she called softly, her voice tentative.

He didn't respond. Shame held him captive, his monstrous form a physical manifestation of his pain.

Everest hesitantly inched closer, her gaze lingering on his horns and scales. Then, to his surprise, a small smile tugged at the corner of her lips.

"You scared the fur off me back there," she admitted, her voice gentle. "But you also saved me. Again."

Marshall peeked out from under his wing, a sliver of hope flickering within him.

Everest reached out, her touch hesitant at first, then firm. "Turn your head, please," she whispered, her voice barely audible.

He flinched but obeyed, bracing himself for another cruel remark.

Instead, he felt her soft fur brush against his scales. Shame threatened to engulf him again, but then, Everest spoke.

"But you're my monster," she said, her voice filled with a tenderness that sent shivers down his spine. "And you're not ugly. You're majestic."

Her words hung in the air, a balm to his wounded soul. He turned his head slowly, his emerald eyes meeting hers. Shame mingled with a dawning realization in her gaze.

"Everest?" he rasped, his voice thick with emotion.

Shame flooded her face. She remembered her hurtful words, the sting of her own fear. "I'm so sorry, Marshall," she choked out, tears welling up in her eyes. "I was scared. But that doesn't excuse what I said."

He nuzzled her gently, his emerald glow pulsing with a newfound warmth. "It's okay, Everest. I understand."

A beat of comfortable silence passed between them. Then, Everest leaned forward, her eyes searching his. Before he could react, she closed the gap between them, her soft fur pressing against his scales. It was a chaste kiss, but it spoke volumes. An apology, a confession, a promise all rolled into one.

Marshall pulled back, his heart pounding against his ribs. This wasn't something he had ever dared to dream of.

Everest, a blush creeping up her cheeks, looked at him with a newfound tenderness. "You may have changed, Marshall," she whispered, "but you're still you. My brave, loyal, and yes, even majestic monster."

A weak smile spread across Marshall's face. In that moment, under the watchful gaze of the Whispering Woods, he realized that perhaps being a monster wasn't so bad after all. Especially if it meant finding love in the most unexpected place.

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