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Panic erupted in Adventure Bay. News of Marshall's heritage as the descendant of a dragon god had spread like wildfire, morphing from awe to fear.  Fueled by misinformation and paranoia, the citizens turned against their once-beloved hero.

A mob, armed with makeshift weapons and a deafening sound machine, descended upon the Lookout.  Marshall, his heart heavy with betrayal, emerged to face them.  He didn't understand.  He had only ever tried to help them.

Ryder and the other pups pleaded with the crowd, trying to reason with them, but their voices were lost in the cacophony of fear and anger.  As the sound machine whirred to life, unleashing a wave of unbearable noise, a mournful cry tore from Marshall's throat.

It wasn't a roar of defiance, but a whimper, a sound of utter despair and loneliness.  The raw emotion pierced through the din, a stark reminder of the kind, playful pup they were trying to harm.  A wave of realization washed over the crowd. Shame filled their faces as they saw the fear and vulnerability in Marshall's emerald eyes.

With trembling hands, they deactivated the machine, the silence now deafening in its own way.  Marshall, overwhelmed by the sound wave, crumpled to the ground.  Everest, her heart pounding in her chest, rushed to his side.

"Marshall?" she cried, tears blurring her vision.  His breathing was shallow, barely a whisper.  "It's okay," she choked out, nuzzling his snout, "You can finally rest."

Everest's words, meant to be a comfort, echoed with a tragic finality.  The other pups, their faces etched with grief, watched as Marshall's eyes fluttered closed.  A single, weak cough escaped his lips, followed by a faint puff of smoke, a silent sign of his extinguished fire.

A collective gasp filled the air.  They had done the unthinkable.  They had killed their hero, their friend.  Everest, her grief a raw, primal scream, lashed out at the crowd.  "You fools!" she roared, her voice cracking with anguish.  "You killed him! You killed him!"

The crowd, already drowning in guilt, cowered under her fury.  The weight of their actions settled upon them, a crushing burden that promised a lifetime of regret.

As for Marshall, he wasn't dead.  He was unconscious, his powerful form rendered dormant by the sound wave.  But deep within him, a spark of defiance flickered, a promise to rise again, stronger and more determined than ever to bridge the gap between him and the town he was sworn to protect.

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