Part II: The spark of endless fury

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The smiler:

I always stood out in crowd even before my scars because of my chestnut curls and emerald eyes  or because of my great intellect. But none of the women's attention interested me I was more interested in my books. There was only woman who I truly loved. She too was clever and beautiful but also suffering from trauma like me.  But that never lasted long.

I got my scars after making a visit to London. As a turned the street a burly man with glinting amber eyes attacked me with an infected knife. I remember the chilling words that he spoke "Do you know what it feels like to fall asleep and never wake up. Well soon you will know." When they found me lying in a pool of blood, unrecognizable  because of the grievous injury. I woke up with my face mummified in a wad of bandages  I got told that I lost a litre of blood and almost died a few times. I got told that I would never be beautiful again. Weirdly I did not cry or wail, I felt a rush of fury coursing up my veins. That quiet little bookworm was gone and in its place was a new me. That was when I realized that I needed him dead. But I never knew that would be the start of my rampage.

Christine Dashwood: 

When I saw first saw him I felt an emotion that I have never felt since the vicious attack on my family left my parents dead and my brother imprisoned. Until I saw him I was living in an emotionless void where I was to sad to even cry. When I walked into the library and inhaled the fresh smell of wood and old books I rested my eyes on him. I saw he had cuts all over his face but that did not matter I saw his chestnut curls and emerald eyes I realized that I was in love. He was reading my favorite book "To kill a mockingbird". I cautiously approached the man and in a shaking voice mumbled "I always get laughed at for reading this book and I am so happy to see someone else read it." Instead of answering my question he said in a bold and clear voice "you haven't walked away or closed your eyes." "You are talking to me like a normal human being, nobody has done that, not even my own parents." Tears appeared in his eyes. "thank you for making me feel like a human. I shakily replied "as soon as I saw you I realized that we have a connection." "thank you for making me feel love again" I mumbled as tears streamed down my cheeks.

Jack the smiler:

Ever since the women with silky black curls and hazel eyes sat down next to me in the library I felt a sense of hope in the darkness. We are the same you see, clever, beautiful and also suffering from trauma. Christine has taught me to feel love and hope again and she is everything that I have ever wanted. But even in happiness one small spark can cause endless fury. As I was browsing through some old discarded newspapers an article caught my attention. The headline read "parents killed in a brutal home attack, there was a photo of a beautiful family of four standing outside a Handsome Georgian mansion. I realized the girl in the photo was Christine. I read that the brother had killed one of the two burglars after they viciously stabbed the parents in bed. The brother is now in prison and when my eye rested on the photo of the burglar that escaped I saw the flashing amber eyes and realized that he was my attacker. Christine hated death after the tragedy and would be inconsolable if I told her what I was planning. So after weeks of careful planning and a web of lies. I was able to track the assailant down. I approached a large house in a clearing. He probably bought it because of all the crimes. Nobody knew what he had done. People think that he is a kind philanthropist but nobody knows what he did. I scaled the side of the house and climbed into his window. When he saw me the old man started spluttering and wailing begging me to not kill him. I said "when I almost died you started laughing so now you will never stop smiling." I carved the bloody smile into his blanched face and left a handwritten note which said. "Now you will never stop smiling from Jack the smiler. After hearing the commotion a young women stepped into the room and started screaming so loudly that spittle flew into my face. "why did you kill my husband". Desperately trying to quiet her I hit her with a statue to silence her. It broke her skull.  

Christine Dashwood:

I suspected that something was going on but in my heart I never believed that it would happen. As he towered over me in his blood stained clothes and 6 foot frame he began to hug me tightly. I started shrieking "how could you do something like that", "I suffered so much in my life and now this happened." I sobbed. He just raised his eyebrows and said nothing. I smacked his face and began running up the stares gasping as I mumbled "I am leaving you".

Jack the smiler:

Those words hurt more than the cuts I began barreling  up the stairs and starting hammering on the thick oak door that she hid behind. All I could hear was desperate chocking sobbing from the behind the door. "When I found the note" she wept " I though that it was a joke or a lie and I just kept telling myself it would not happen". "now I realize that you are worse than him and our love has gone". With an anguished yell I broke open the door and stared at my only love cowering in the corner like a rag doll. She was only wearing chinos and a jumper but even though they were not anything special she looked like the most radiant women in the world. Even though her makeup was smudged I saw how beautiful she was. When I stared deep into her brown eyes that were paralyzed in fear. A fresh wave of anger washed over me and I went manic like a wild animal. I grabbed her around her slender neck and started stabbing her many times in a manic frenzy. She opened her eyes and as her breath slowly died away she stuttered "you really are the bad guy. When I recovered from my frenzy and saw what I had done I started shouting "Christine I am so sorry" and began trying to give her CPR and wake her up but my hands were shaking to much. I started sobbing uncontrollably and was shaking. I cradled her limp doll-like body and started wailing like a baby into her chest. My eyes became bloodshot and tired but My tears never ceased. My love was dead. I began pounding the mirror until it broke and glass broke my skin and dripped down the mirror covering my blotchy red face. Soon my vision became blurred I was screaming until my voice went hoarse. Then I wrapped my arm around Christine and fell asleep with tears still streaming down my face onto her cold lifeless face. when I woke up something inside me broke. I realized that if my attacker never existed everything would be okay. 

Jack the smiler:

That was the spark of endless fury that will never fade away.

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