Part IV: How I got my name

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Jack the smiler:

How wrong they were. I got help from an old friend in the medical industry to to ignore the different blood type. And for the car I bribed an old friend. I told them that I couldn't cope with Christine's death and wanted to go to America because I had family there. I left a note by the body saying you weren't smiling now you will be forever. I didn't want to mutilate her beautiful face but I had to. I wrote on the note see you in LA. 

I got called Jack the smiler across all the newspapers  because of the smile I cut in the victims face. After Christine died I lost all love and empathy and was diagnosed as having severe psychopathic tendencies and severe lack of emotion and empathy. There was only one person who I didn't kill. He was a young man aged around 22 years old and when he saw me he didn't scream or divert his eyes and when I talked to him he treated me like I was normal. I released him because he reminded me of Christine.

I love seeing terror on peoples faces and that is when I kill them so the terror in their faces is there when their bodies are discovered. Then I cut my signature smile in there faces and write where I plan to go next. In the day I create an image of a generous philanthropist and successful brain surgeon. I have 128 known kills due to the marking on their faces and around 153 others that are buried somewhere or disguised as suicide or accidental death. I am not like other serial killers that have a specific type of victim, I kill indiscriminately and choose people randomly like a murderous lottery. I got my name inspired by jack the ripper but with my own personal twist. That is how everyone refers to me. When I arrive at work I pretend to be concerned and anxious, offering support to those that lost family because of me. They will never know who I really am. 

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