Chapter 1 Meeting Sadie Cartor

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Current time January 2010. Hello my name is Sadie Cartor. By the time you are reading this I am probably dead.

Might as well tell you my story, since I maybe have 5 days, or less to write this personal Journal. I never knew my biological parents. My adoptive parents told me that they just found me on their door step.

There was no letter to indicate who I was, or who my biological parents were. So my adoptive parents decided to raise me, since they really wanted children, but it wasn't possible for them to conceive children. My adpptive parents decided to name me Sadie.

I don't know why they decided to call me that, but I don't care. I consider my adoptive parents to be my real family. I love them very much.

They taught me how to read and write. They also introduced me to different types of sports. But the sport I loved the most was Basketball. I don't know why I liked it. I just found it fun.

But I would soon regret playing Basketball, after ... that day. Anyway I also liked wearing boys clothing instead of girl's clothing. It felt so comfortable and nice to wear.

As a result of me playing Basketball, and wearing boys clothing the girls in my neighbourhood started to bully me. One of these girls was Samantha Hine.

She was the richest girl in our entire neighbourood. I never really liked her, because of how she made fun of me, and called me a freak for being myself.

She also spread rumours about my adoptive parents. saying that they were criminals who kidnapped me. As a result of those rumours the police often came to our house.

I often got into physical fights with her, because of the lies she spread about my parents. And I'm proud to say that I won those fights. Haha!

My parents said that they were proud of me for standing up for myself, but they said that I must not use violence to fight back.
Anyway our lives continued on as normal until that day.

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