Chapter 12 My life is "perfect."

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As I continued to ignore all the useless materials in my life, something very interesting happened.

I was talking to Simon, as I usually do. When suddenly Samantha came over to me and said: "Hey crazy girl how is your life as the captain of the Basketball Team going? Oh wait I forgot you got kicked off the team.

Well it's understandable. Since they can't have the captain of the Basketball Team doing something crazy during the game."
Wait that is similar to what Mrs Stella said when I asked her why I was kicked off the  Basketball Team. I thought to myself.

"Samantha you .. But before I could continue speaking Samantha replied: "That's right I got Mrs Stella to kick you out of the Basketball Team. My heart filled up with joy when I saw the tears running down your cheeks. You looked like a baby hahahaha!"

" Why? I asked. Tears were starting to run down my cheeks. "Why what?" Samantha asked sounding confused. "Why are you trying to make my life miserable?
What did I do to you huh? Tell me!" I demanded my voice filled with a little bit of anger.

Samantha didn't respond. That made me even more angry. "Answer me damn it!" I demanded my tone of voice sounding angrier than ever before.
"I just want you to see you suffer. I'm tried of seeing you with your happy family. I'm upset that you became the captain of the Basketball Team without putting in any effort.

You have a perfect life without doing anything to deserve it mary sue."
As soon as Samantha said those words I started laughing uncontrollably. "What's so funny mrs perfect?" Samantha asked sounding irritated and confused. "Well if my life was so perfect why did my ex Basketball teammates make fun of me, and say that I was  a weak pathetic new girl who doesn't know anything about Basketball?

This was 10 years ago when I was 4 years old mind you. And instead of throwing the ball into the hoop, my ex teammates would throw the ball straight into my face.
Those balls were really hard mind you.  I went home crying almost every day, because of what my former teammates did to me.

But my mom told me to forget about those rude teammates and focus on my Basketball skills. And I did as mom said. I focused on my Basketball skills, and as a result of me focusing on my skills, after 10 years I was finally the captain of the Basketball Team.

7 of those 10 years were spent on enduring the constant harassment of my former teammates.
If my life was so perfect why don't I get to see my dad often? My dad goes to karate ternements every single month in one year.

At least you get to see both of your parents. Your father is literally the principal of this school you can see him whenever you want. Meanwhile I barely get to see my dad.

Sometimes I forget what his face looks like. ... Oh and lets not forget about those rumours you spread about me. Because of your actions
I was kicked out of the Basketball Team. Now I won't be able to follow my dream of going to international ternements, and becoming a porfessional  Basketball player.

Do you realize that your stupid rumours have caused me to stop smiling, as well as going to school? I was literally crying by myself in my room every day, because I wasn't able  to follow my passion.

Do you realize that I stopped eating, after I stopped going to school, because of the rumours?
Are you proud of yourself? No really are you proud for making another traumatic experience in my life that I will never forget, because you thought that  my life was "perfect."

To be honest if I were a jealous and spiteful person like you  I would probably want the life that you have. I would love to be the richest person in our entire neighborhood.
I would love to see both of my parents every day. I would love to know   that I remember what my father's face looks like. But since I was taught by my parents to never want what others have, because jealousy can make me a bad person.

I decided to just be happy with the life I have now. Life is too short to be jealous and unhappy. We should appreciate the life that we have, because you can lose it all in just one swoop.

I hope you are happy with yourself Samantha Hine." And with those last words I went home with Simon.

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