chapter 10 Mother daughter talk

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I had just come home from school, and my mom was already finished with her work as a construction worker. "Good afternoon sw ... What happened to your arm?!" Mom asked with a concerned expression on her face.

"I got into a fight with someone." I replied not really caring about what happened. "Sadie it's been 4 years since you got into a fight, and it is the 6th time you got injured in that fight. What events took place in order for you to get into a fight with someone after 4 years?"

"Well they said some bad things about you and dad they even compared you guys with the devil." I explained. "Sadie how many times have me and your father told you? Don't fight back with violence."

Mom said sounding frustrated. "I tried to tell him to stop, but he just kept going on and on about how I was in denial, and you guys were just brainwashing me. I couldn't just stand by and let him insult you guys. So I just decided to teach him a lesson by using violence." I replied.

Mom sighed deeply and said: "Sadie I know you care about us, but you don't have to get into fights with people just because they say bad things about me and your father.

Not everyone will like you, or us, but it's not the end of the world. Just because there are like 50%  of people that don't like us for any reason. There are like 20% of people that love us. For example. Mr Greg and mr Parker like us.

Mainly because I give Mr Greg Chocolate Pudding every day, but despite that Mr Greg and Mr Parker like us.

Simon and his parents like us. There are  6 people that care about us that includes you Sadie. 19% of my wodk colleague's hate my guts. Heck they say mean things to me every day. They tell me that I should leave the construction industry entirely.

But do I get into fights because they say bad things about me and my family no. I just ignore them, and go on with my day. They don't know anything about my family.

Why should I get into fights with people that don't even know me? It will just end up with me getting in trouble, because I physically harmed an employee. Plus I might also get hurt in the process of me fighting with that employee.

Don't let the people that hate you take control of your emotions. Because they want you to get upset. They want to make your life miserable for stupid reasons.

Think of the people that hate you as a pile of useless materials. Useless materials don't matter. Just like the people that hate you for stupid reasons don't matter.

Only be around the people who care about you, because they even help you become a better person." Mom explained.

... "So if people want to say bad things about you, me and dad I should just walk away from them, and only talk to Simon?" I asked. "Yes you can even put earphones in your ears when those useless materials talk to you." Mom replied.

"Thanks for the advice mom I love you." I said, before I gave my mother a big hug.

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