Chapter 11 Don't be like a helpless puppet

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The following days I went to school following  my mom's advice. When people said: "Hey look it's the crazy girl who sees things that are not there." I would just smile, walk over to Simon and communicate with him.

And I came up with a solution as to what I am going to do with rotten food in my locker. Most of the rotten food were fruits, so I decided to give it to Simon's parents who are porfessional  gardeners, and let them use the rotten fruit to feed the decomposers in their garden.

Some people were irritated with my positive attitude. But like mom said, why should I care about people who dislike me when there are other people that care about me?

Some kids would throw tomatos in my face when I came to school, but I just took the tomatos off my face and ate them. There is no reason to waste a perfectly good tomato.

Some children would trip me on purpose, but I would just get up and continue walking.
To be honest it was really funny to see how frustrated the other kids would got when I didn't get angry, or snap at them,  which is something I would usually do.
But I am not going to give those kids   the satisfaction of seeing me miserable.  Because I won't let them control me like a helpless puppet who has to bend to the will of  their master.

Bullies just like to see the people they abuse suffer, because they were bullied in the past, or they just enjoy bullying people for fun. But no one should allow bullies to take control of their lives, because in the end the bullies are just useless materials that do not matter.

Don't be like a helpless puppet. Ignore the people that hate you for no reason,  because they don't matter. Focus on the people who love you, because they are like healthy soil.

They help you grow, and make you  feel better about yourself. Don't let the bullies control you.

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