Chapter 7 Rumours ruin lives pt2

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Authoress's note. Warning this chapter contains bullying. If you are sensitive to this topic please don't read this chapter thank you. I hope you all have a nice day.

I went to school, as I always did. Then when I went to put on my Basketball team uniform  I screamed in absolute terror and anger: "Who the hell spray painted my Basketball team uniform?!" I must have screamed so loud that the whole universe no the entire galaxy heard me,

because my mom immediately rushed into my room. I can't show mom this she will be really  mad if I do. Mom acts like a scary monster when she is mad. But I can't do anything, because mom is already in the room. I thought to myself.

"Sweetie what ..., but before my mother could ask her question, she saw my Basketball team uniform. It was spray painted with words like: Go to hell. You and your crazy family should leave this neighbourhood. I hope you suffer immense pain.

I think you guys get the gist of what was spray painted on my uniform. When I looked at my mother's face I swear I saw the devil himself in her eyes.
But before my mom could say anything I said: "Mom I know you are furious right now, but you and I both know that Samantha will use her status as  the principal's daughter  to get whoever did this out of trouble. She has always done that."

My mother sighed. "Your right I really think that we should move to another neighbourhood, but you keep on insisting that you want to stay in this neighbourhood.
Are you sure you can handle this? We can even move to another city if you want us to. Or do you want me to tell your father about this?" Mom asked.

"No please no you know how dad gets when he is angry. He will use his karate moves on those kids, and who knows what could happen to them. Plus you and dad always tell me to ignore people, who bully me, because they have nothing better to do with their life than to make me, and other people who are friends with me miserable."

I said with a positive smile on my face. "Okay sweetie, but what are we going to do about your uniform?" Mom asked. "I'll just wear it. Plus it is against the rules to not have it on."  I replied.

"Okay oh and don't worry about dilvering the Chocolate Pudding I will dilver it to mr Greg." Mom said. "Okay thanks mom tell dad and his karate team that I wish them good luck on their ternement." I said, before I waved goodbye to my mother and left my house.

When I got to the sports jim where the team and I usually practised our Basketball coach  mrs Stella said: "I'm sorry Sadie but you are no longer a part of the Kruger Basketball team."

When mrs Stella said those words I felt like a washing machine that became old, and lost it's purpose in life. All my life I've been playing Basketball. Sure I did play karate, but I only did that so I could learn how to defend myself against people who want to harm me.

Basketball is my everything. Basketball is something that I can't live without. It completes me.

"May I ask why you are not allowing me to be a part of the team?" I asked. "It's because we don't need someone with such a horrible reputation. And who knows you might do something crazy when we play our big game.

Bye bye ... crazy girl." Stella replied.  When I got home from school I just went to my room without saying hello to my mother.

Then I began crying softly. Why? I did nothing to deserve this. I practised hard for the Basketball game every day. I helped new teammates out when they did not know the rules, or what to do.

I even helped train the small kids who wanted to learn how to play Basketball in our neighbourhood. I did all this for our school's Basketball team, and they kick me out, because of a stupid rumour?

WHY? WHY? WHY?! i asked myself these questions over and over. I should just  give up on playing Basketball.
Sure I can still practise with Simon, but my dream is to play in international ternements. But if I try and enter a famous Basketball team that is in our neighbourhood.

For example The Dangerous Lions. They have won over 20 international Basketball ternements. But the captain of the team will reject me, because of the rumours about me.

Why did Samantha have to tell lies about me? What did I even do to her? Why won't people just listen to my side of the story? If they did then they would know the truth, and Samantha would be considered a liar.

I continued to cry until I finally went to sleep.

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