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PLEASE READ❕So apparently wattpad might start deleting peoples fics? I haven't read to much on it but judging by what they want to delete story's off mine might get deleted

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So apparently wattpad might start deleting peoples fics? I haven't read to much on it but judging by what they want to delete story's off mine might get deleted. If that happens I will be posting the chapters on other apps (tumblr.. etc) If you guys have any other sites you prefer to read on incase this gets taken down on here please let me know! Just inscase as you will see with this chapter i've changed words into nicer ones and censored some. I also had to cut out a lot so i'm sorry in advance.

"Everyone's here."

"Okay, good. Lock it down."

"You run like a cartoon character." Moon laughs as she watches Juice jog over to her.

"I do not!"

"Everybody Listen up!"

"I wanna welcome you all to Club Reaper. I'm glad you made your reservation's early 'cause as you can see, we are booked to capacity." Clay jokes "Your here because your family. And because Samcro takes care of its own. Next couple of days this clubs got some business to handle that could put our members and the people connected to us in..unfriendly situations. Now chances are nothings gonna happen, but people have already been hurt on my watch." He pauses for a moment "And that ain't ever gonna happen again. Nobody gets in, nobody leaves without an escort. You got a safety concern you talk to, Piney. You got a comfort concern, you either talk to my queen or, Moon. Under this roof you will all be safe. I want you to make yourself at home. I love all of ya." He finishes as people start to cheer.

Moon looks up at Happy and Juice with a smile as the clapping begins.

"All right. Got all the ammo we just need the AK's."

"We got two cases at the safe house. Problem is ATF will be sittin' on it waiting for Cameron to show."

Chibs sighs "And when he does, Stahls gonna get to Jimmy O and tag me the rat."

"We're gonna protect your family, Chibs. I already put a call in to McGee in Belfast. Clubs gonna watch over Kerrianne."

"And you should reach out to Fiona. Bring her in, we'll keep her safe."

"I know. I appreciate it, boys."

His Weakness ⋆ [DISCONTINUED!] Where stories live. Discover now