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"Moon.." Happy whispered trying to get her to say something. Anything. But she didn't she just kept her eyes on the floor. "Please talk to me, Princess." He muttered slowly moving his hand to cup her face. Her eyes moved slowly up his body stopping at his jaw before she finally spoke.

"It's all my fault."

"Laroy called." Bobby stated walking over to Clay "They found the guy."

"Okay. You talk to Tig?"

"Yeah. They moved Gemma to a motel outside Rogue River, club friendly. Look Tig and the Oregon guys, they'll take care of her. She's gonna be okay."

"I don't want her finding out about Abel."

"I know. Had to tell her about Sack. Shits been all over the papers. Kidnapping hasn't hit the news. We should be able to protect her from it."


"Where is he?"

"P.D. let him back into the house yesterday."

"Let's go get him."


"It's me." Tig shouted through the door. When Gemma opened the door Tig walked in holding out his hand "Breakfast. Mmm." He groaned grabbing the coffe "It's low-fat bran" He stated when she looked inside the bag.

"You trying to tell me something?"

"You kidding? You're the hottest fugitive I know, baby."

"Yeah, Thanks."

"Need anything else?"

"You talk to Clay?"

"No, I talked to Bobby."


"We've been here two days. Take it easy."

"I need to talk to my family."

"I gotta go out and pick up a few burners."

His Weakness ⋆ [DISCONTINUED!] Where stories live. Discover now