Chapter 3

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Bair bairrings/

"Morning!" Itadori exclaimed.
"Morning! How did you sleep?" Satoru sat on the floor, rolling a bottle back and forth with both his hands.
"Good!" Itadori then saw the box of bread, "Can I?"
"Sure." Nanami handed the box to Itadori. The boy stuffed a big slice in his mouth, "So, how long are we gonna be here for?" He said through mouth full of bread.
"Four days." Nanami replied. Nobara had just gotten up before she Hurd how long they'll stay for, "Nooooooo." She said dreadfully. Megumi came out the tent, rubbing his eyes, "morning."
"How did you sleep last night fushiguro?" Itadori asked, jumping to his feet, "Want some bread?"
"No, and shit, you were snoring all night."
"I'm gonna wash." Itadori took his shirt off. Nobara looked away, "effen hell Itadori, warning next time."
"I wasn't naked." Itadori grabbed his toiletries and pulled his PJ shorts off, leaving his pance on. He jumpt into the clear stream and started scrubbing himself. "Well today we're gonna go further into the forest and if we don't find the curse, we'll come straight back here and try tomorrow, this forest is big but we'll find it in time, if not? Then that sucks but that's a 2%. Chance." Gojo explained, taking a small bite of a Grinoller bar. Itadori had finished washing before stepping out of the stream and drying off with a towel. "Ok Sensai!" Itadori pulled a shirt over his head.

The sun shun through the leaves, making them bright and green. More insects were noticed on the floor. "Eew." Is all that the rest of the group could hear from Nobara. "We stick together everyone." Nanami said, ducking to miss a low hanging branch. Everyone didn't reply and continued to walk.
"Do I make myself clear?" The three teens nodded. "Look a cave!" Itadori pointed. Everyone looked to see a dark looking cave with grey stones arched around the entrance. The inside of the cave wasn't clear of what hid within it. "Don't go in there incase there's a bair or something." Megumi said. Gojo then took the gun from Nanami's belt, "We could always shoot it if a Bair just comes out of the cave." Nanami took the gun back, "No just don't go in it or be to loud. Don't want to attract any wild animals."

The group stopped at a opened space. This one was smaller and grassy. No hanging branches or streams. Little blue flowers were noticed. "Pretty." Nobara picked one and put it in her hair. Itadori looked at her put the flower in her hair, "Cu-cool." Megumi smirked, "Nanami and Gojo arnt the only love birds." The two teens ignored him. "I don't feel any strong curse energy here." Gojo said, sitting down on the grass.
"Legs hurt?" Nanami asked, walking over to tower over Gojo.
"I wonder why." Nobara mumbled.
"Stop making sex jokes, they're weird." Megumi snapped.
"Dambbb, calm down vergin." Nobara laughed.
"I didn't get railed last night Kugasaki." Gojo said before getting up, "why would I do it here? Not the best place."
"Keep it professional Satoru, don't talk to your students about your sexual life." Nanami walked on. The rest followed, Itadori and Nobara trying not to laugh.

They were back at the tents. It was 3pm and Gojo and Nanami were in the tent. Megumi was outside, entertaining himself by rolling a basket ball to see how many water bottles he can knock over. There were only six empty bottles he could use for this, so it was easy. "Hey megs? Where's the other two?" Gojo poked his head from out of the tent. Megumi threw the ball up in the air and caught it with one hand. "Don't know, maybe they're haveing fun with each other in Nobara's tent."
"Ok, could you check? It's to quiet and I'm getting worried." Gojo got out the tent. Before megumi turned, a loud scream was Hurd in the distance. Nanami jumped out the tent, the gun in his hand, "Come on!" He said, running without looking back. Gojo and megumi weren't far behind him.

Itadori ran, Adrenalin rushing through his body. Nobara felt like fainting, the grissily bair not to far behind her. It clenched its sharp teeth as it growled. Nanami saw Itadori and Nobara run towards him, "What's"
"Bair!!" Yuji ran pass him as well as Nobara. Before the bair came charging towards the group. Nanami shot the bair before it tumbled bac. Fear led the bair to run the other direction. Itadori panted and Nobara regained her breths. Nobara turned to Nanami, "We"
"We're going back." Nanami's voice was stirn and laced with anger. Yet, his voice came out composed, Whitch scared Nobara and Itadori.

When they got back, Nanami started, "What were you two thinking?" Both of them bowed there head. Gojo and megumi sat watching, not wanting to say anything as they both knew that what both Itadori and Nobara did was wreckless and stupid. "We/we decided to go back to the cave as Nobara called me a scaredy cat and that she was gonna go back to the cave to prove to me she wasn't one. So she went off and I followed her." Itadori mumbled through shame. Nanami sighed, "You both really don't think before acting, you could of been hurt, and then what? I said stick together and you didn't listen. I don't want either of you to get hurt. I know this is a dangerous mission and I'm awair of that. But I don't want it to be more dangerous for you more then it is. You are still children and as adults, we're here to protect you." The both teens were nodding.
"I think there's something you neede to say to us for running off." Gojo finally spoke up, pulling his blindfold off to look at the two.
"Sorry." They both said at the same time.

Everyone ate in silents. Before they all went to bed. "God today was tiring." Gojo zipped the tent's entrance.
"Those kids were tiring to deal with." Nanami joked before taking Gojo in his arms. He kissed Satoru on the neck and face. Satoru rolled on his back, "Night, love you."
"Love you too."

"What you did was dumb." Megumi broke the silence. Itadori rolled on his side, "yeah I know."
"So nothing out the usual." Megumi closed his eyes.
"Nanami is scary when he's angry." Itadori added, "I don't want to be on his bad side ever again."
"I didn't think he was scary." Megumi said.
"Yeah because you weren't at the end of it."
Megumi laughed before rolling over, "Don't talk to me now, I want to sleep."
"Oki, night Fushiguro."
"Night idiot." Megumi replied.

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