Chapter 7

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Just lucky-

Kento was walking up and down, his face full of engsiety. They were in some path way, the trees surrounded the group. "I think we should head back." Megumi said, standing up from the ground.
"I know I know." Nanami waved a hand. Before anyone could speak however, a shadow grew over the trees, before a slim man stood beyond the trees. Eyes dark and his hair long and matted. His hands were full of veins that could pop out at any moment. His teeth yellow and sharp. "Hello:" The curse spirit said charmingly. Megumi sprung into action, his cursed energy shot out.
"This is gonna be fun!" The curse said delightfully.

Satoru sat in front of a river. Fireworks were seen in the distance as he sighed to himself. "My father is about to do his speach." Niko sat next to Satoru on the grass. "Ok." Satoru fell silent, looking at the fireworks.
"Are you sure this isn't a dream?" Satoru sat up. Niko then laughed, "No it isn't." He then stood up, brushing the grass off his trousers "We should head back now." He reached his hand out and Satoru took it, Niko lifted the other up. "Uwww, your hands are sweaty." Pulled his hand away, shaking it dramatically.
"Ok sorry princess, I'm just a little nervous." Niko rubbed the back of his neck. Satoru stuck his tongue out, "I am not a princess your majesty." They both laughed before walking toward the palace hall.

When they arrived, Mika was was waiting, a cake in hand. "Open." She shoved the cake in Niko's mouth. Niko flushed at this but ate it. "Good?" Mika asked, taking another slice and eating it.
"Mum." Niko nodded as he swollode it, "Berry?"
"Yeah you're favourite." Mika giggled. Satoru looked at the two, "I need to use the bathroom. I'll leave you two alone." Satoru winked before walking off. Niko followed him, "You sure you know the way?"
"No, but it's fine You stay with Mika and if I come back and you're not a couple I'll have to resort to using limitless."
Niko rolled his eyes at this, "I don't like Mika." He was a tinge red. Satoru laughed, He never understood why people don't like admitting that they like one another but he couldn't really say mutch.

"You like Kento Nanami!" Shoko exclaimed, looking at Satoru. "No no no!" Satoru was a bright pink as he struggled to get up from the ground. "I fell because I lost balance."
"Pff." Suguru stood next to his best friend, watching him as he struggle to get up.

Satoru found himself walking endlessly through the halls. Before he finally found a bathroom. Once he was done, he looked in the mirrror before his eyes widened in shock. Stairing back at him was a man shrouded in shadow. He had glowing blue eyes and a sort of charm to his smile. "Sorry" the man disappeared and reappeared in the mirror opposite, "I just was bored as my leader was sorting out the army to take over this kingdom." Satoru looked at the mirror man, "Why did you just tel me what's gonna happen!" But the man was gone, Satoru's reflection stairing back. He ran, running passed the paintings and round the corners of the hallways.

"My son may be missing or gone but life thrives through this kingdom as a result of what he done!" The king's voice echoed through the big hall. Satoru spotted Niko at the front near his father, he walked over, "I need to tell you something." He whispered quickly in Niko's ear. Niko leaned forward.
"I think someone is gonna invad" the large double doors swung open and many shadowed figures flew through, laughing as they did. The people of Mahou went in a full panick. Children crying and many running. "It's them!" The king yelled, "Guards! Lead everyone to safety and Inclose the surroundings with the protection spell! Now!" Many men in armour ushered the crowd towards the palace gardens. Niko took Satoru by the rist and took him. Running through the halls to the back gardens. "Here , this is a shelter for the kingdom incase of situations like this." Many people were already there, huddling together  Niko turned to leave, "Where?"
"Back to the palace, my father needs me and I don't see Mika or Hunta."
"Ok." Satoru stepped back, "You sure I shouldn't help? I mean, you know, limitless and all that." Niko shook his head, "No, it won't work on these guys." Satoru nodded, "you save your girl." Niko glaired at Satoru before running off.

He returned with two other people. Mika and a man, who looked older then Niko. "Are you ok?" Satoru asked.
"Yes I'm fine, my father is fine too and he'll be here. The shrine shadows are trying to take over." The king arrives a little dishevelled. A shadow man appeared outside the shelter with a smug look, "Aww hiding away youre majesty?" The shadow man looked on with his his glowing red eyes. He laughed before circling the shelter, his black wings large and wide. "But then again, you can't stay in there forever."

"What's going on?" Satoru asked, "who are they?" Niko breathed out, "they're the shrine shadows. They used to be nermal humans before Kageya promised them a life better then there own. He used his magic to turn them well, into what they are. My brother faught Kageya and banished him but he's back. My brother has been missing for over a hundred years and no one knows where he is. If we find him, he can destroy Kageya and the Shrine shadows." Satoru looked out the shelter at all the shadowy figures that peered at them. "The day is up, you can go home." The king made his way over. Satoru looked down at the bracelet Niko gave him . Sorry Kento but you have to wait longer, Satoru looked up at The King, "Where would you might find him?" The king was taken aback at this, "In the Fantico forest but we're unsure if he is in there as it's dangerous."
"Well I'm gonna help you find him."
Niko stepped in, "No, this is our problem not yours and you need to get back." Satoru scoffed, "you don't need to protect me, this is my disision and that's final. I know that my students and Kento is fine on the mission on their own."

"Well if you insist." The king said before bowing, "good luck."
"Well I'm going too father." Niko joined in.
"I guess I'll go too." Mika said. Niko and Mika looked at the older man named Hunta, "Ugh, fine, I'll go too." "
The king smiled before the group sneaked out the shelter and into the morning.

Megumi lay passed out on the floor. Yuji crouched over his best friend, "He has a pulse." Yuji said weakly. Kento stood looking at where the curse once was. They did it, but only with Megumi's ten shadows. "My leg." Nobara was on the floor, clinging on to her ancle. "I've already called Ijichi and we'll find our way back, It's a long walk. I'll carry Megumi, Nobara, are you fine with yuji supporting you?" Nanami asked, going over to megumi and lifting him up. Yuji nodded and helped Nobara up. "What about Gojo?" Nanami looked down, "I'll stay here and you go home and you are going home."
Yuji was to tired to argue and just nodded. I hope Gojo Sensai is ok.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: May 06 ⏰

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