Chapter 5

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Falling first-

Satoru's breaths quickenned as he fell further down. Once he fell, there was no water but only falling. He realised it was like falling in a dream as clouds came and passed him. He was falling through a morning sky. His feet finally found solid ground. His legs gave way and he fell onto his hands and knees. He landed on green grass making his land soft. "Where the." He stood up and brushed himself off. There was no sight of the wolf now but a man. The man looked similar age to Satoru, his eyes black and hair a light gray. The man was taller then Gojo and peered at the sorcerer. "Hi, welcome to Mahou."
Mahou? My world? I thought you followed me to find this place right?" The man said in as mutch confusion as Satoru.
"No, I thought you wanted me to follow you."
A silents fell between the two for a second, "Oh well, you're here now." The man turned, "I'd like you to meet the king Satoru? That's your name right?" The man looked over his shoulder with his big black eyes. Gojo nodded before following the man. He's the wolf right?, Gojo thought as his eyes explored his surroundings. The feild was full of mushrooms and other strange plants that were all different colours of blue, red, yellow, pink.

Small fairies flew passed the two. Afew of them holding small bells. "This place is interesting." Gojo looked curiously at a small elf looking man with big sharp ears. "For you atleast." The man waved at a woman, who had big eagle wings.
"Hello prince Niko!" The woman smiled, holding a tray of some sort of bread.
"Hello." He continued walking, taking large strides as he went.
"So this is a kingdom? And you're a prince?" Gojo walked faster to keep up. Niko continued walking, "yes to both questions." He pushed his short hair to the side, "my father is obviously the king and I'm the youngest prince out of two." Small children with similar sharp ears as the man before ran passed the two, screaming and laughing at the same time.

Niko then stopped in front of a large double door. It's frame shades of gold. "We are here." He then pushed it open effortlessly as it groaned its way open. Niko walked in with Satoru behind him, their footsteps echoing. The entrance they were in was large. Various portraits and paintings hung on the walls. The stain glass windows tall. One window was of a mermaid, her hair flowing as she floated in place. The place overall was empty besides of the Thrown that stood tall at the other end of the hall. "Son, who's this?" The king sat on it, looking down at Satoru. He was a thin man, maybe in his mid 50's. His brown hair now laced with grey strans. He had a bushy brown beard and a golden crown that sat on his head. "This is a jujutsu sorcerer that I decided to take here. Of his own will by the way." Gojo looked up at the king and smiled a little nervously.
"Your name?" The king said.
"Uh". Gojo stood there dumbly.
"Your name." The king repeated, a little irritated.
"Satoru Gojo." The king smiled at that, "we had a Gojo before you come here. He was kind and helped us with some difficulties."
"Thats the first. A member of the Gojo clan being nice." Satoru joked, "And what difficulties? If you don't mind me asking." The king stood up and made his way down the steps, "A powerful curse came here and destroyed almost everything until Gojo showed up and Braught it down before taking it back to his world to a forest where it would be lost for many years."
"Couldn't destroy it completely while he was at it." Gojo mumbled, "Well that's why I was in the forest before I came here, to destroy it once and for all." The king smiled at that, "he had the limitless technique I think he called it. But now your here, might as well wait for tonight for my son's victory festival."
"Whitch son is this?" Satoru looked at Niko. Niko just shook his head, "No not me but my lost older brother."
"But I do need to go back, I need to find this curse before it's to late." Satoru said apologetically. The king looked at Satoru in understanding, "yes but it takes a day until the portil opens for you to go home." Satoru then looked down, great, he then looked back up, "ok then, this place is beautiful."
"Thank you, Niko, take him around the kingdom." The king turned to face his son.
"Yes father." Niko beckoned Satoru to follow.

They wondered around, passed the stores and houses of all sizes. One particular house was a mushroom, where little fairies would fly out, holding bells.
"Why do they have bells in there hands?" Gojo asked, looking at one as it flew passed.
"To deliver messages." Niko crouched down to pick a bell up from the ground, passing it to the fairy who dropped it.
"Sorry." The little fairy said before taking it and flying off. Then, Niko took Satoru to a little bakery. "I just want to see someone in here."
"Your girlfriend?" Gojo joked, with no reply from Niko. The door bell jingled as the door was open. The smell of wood and fresh pastries filled the air. Standing behind the counter was a woman who looked to be mid 20's. She saw them approach and beemed at Niko, "Is this the pretty person you were talking about?" She jumped over the counter to take a better look at Satoru.
"No Mika." Niko was clearly a little red.
"His eyes are pretty. Hmmm" she stood thinking. She was short, her hair long and brown and her eyes were pink. She flicked her fringe to the side as she tilted her head. "What?" Niko asked, a little annoyed.
"Nothing." She waved a hand, "just imagining what your babies would look like." Niko looked irritated, "he's taken." Mika laughed before jumping back over the counter, "now then, what can I get you two lovely couple." Niko just sighed and Satoru laughed.
"Niko wanted to see you." Satoru said. Niko's face flushed, "No I did not!"

The girl started laughing, "Aww how sweet." Niko then looked angry. "No, I wanted to see if your ready for the festival. And I see no cakes so it seems like no. As the brother of Prince Ikoro, I have to make sure everything goes well as this festival only happens evry five ye"
"Yeah sure, you just wanted to see me. And anyways, I was done and it's already being set up on a cake stool." She turned away, "So you can leave so I can close the bakery." She turned back round, holding a small wooden sign. "I'll see you too later." She winked.

Once the two were out the bakery, Niko turned to Satoru, "Sorry about her, she's just annoying." Satoru smiled softly, "it's alright." Niko smiled back, " well we could go back and stay in the palace before the festival if you'd like. You could also find something nice to wear." Satoru thought about it
, "yeah sure."

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