Chapter 4

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The strange wolf-

Satoru sat up, his breath hitched and his heart beating fast He didn't have a nightmare but for some reason, he woke up hyper ventilating. As Satoru sat there for long, Kento woke up. Nanami was a light sleeper and thankfully so, "Baby? I think you need to go outside for a bit." Gojo crawled out the tent, the humid air hitting his face. He slipped his shoes on and stood up, the moon was bright and the stream only slightly moved from the cool breeze. Gojo sat cross legged on the Stone like floor. Gojo sat regulating his breaths, closing his eyes. He then Hurd a shuffle near by, his eyes snapped open. He spotted a wolf inbatween the trees, it's eyes black and big. It's fur's colour wasn't clear from the darkness, but looked light grey. "Hi." Gojo said, bearly bellow a whisper. The wolf turned and walked away. It stopped to turn and look at Satoru.

Satoru stood for a moment before following it. He walked through hanging branches and leaves, passing various plants and insects. The sound of all that lived in the forest surrounded him. "Hey! Wait up!" Gojo stumbled over his feet as the wolf strolled off. Then, Gojo found himself in front of a low tree. It's leaves green and covered the pat but between the gaps of the leaves, light Shon through. Then, Satoru Hurd the sound of running water, he gently pushed the leaves aside to reveal a waterfall. "Woah." He said, walking closer. The trees surrounded the waterfall. Undernieth Satoru's feet was soft green gras and the acasional flower. The waterfall itself was blue of all shades where it'll bubble white foam as it joined the waters bellow. Black and brown rocks scatter on the river beneith the waterfall. Where the wolf perched, sitting on one of the rocks. The wolf looked over its shoulder at Satoru. Gojo just staired in amazement. The wolf then just jumped into the waterfall, the splash causing water to split around it. After a while, the wolf didn't return. Satoru just turned to head back.

"Where did you go?" Nanami poked his head out the tent, seeing Satoru approach him from the shadows of the trees, "A wolf came and I followed it to this beautiful waterfall." Nanami's eyebrows raised, "Oh?" Gojo turned to see a glimpse of the wolf, "I wanna find it again tomorrow and show you." Satoru went back into the tent.
"If you want."  Nanami rolled over to his side.

By the very same morning, Satoru woke Kento up and led him to where he thought the waterfall stood. "Almost here." Satoru said, spotting the low tree. ahead. When he pushed it aside however, he was met with nothing but the on going trees in front. Satoru looked on in puzzlement before he walked further, his eyes scanning the area. "It was here." He circled around a large willow tree. "I think"
"It wasn't a dream." Satoru said.
"No." Nanami said slowly, "I think we should head back, we'll look for it later." Gojo realised defeat and walked back with Nanami. "Where did you two go?" Yuji asked, putting the last bread in his mouth.
"Never you mind." Kento said bluntly.
"To make out." Gojo said, taking out a pot of fruet and taking a bite of a slice of orange.

"You better stick with us you two. If not, Ijichi will take u straight home." Nanami looked at yuji and Nobara sternly.
"Yes sir!" Yuji saluted. Nobara just nodded. Every one strolled into the forest. With most of the time Yuji and Nobara bickering. Megumi at one point, smacked Yuji for throwing mud at him. "Owi!" Yuji put his hands on his cheek, "You hit hard." Megumi smirked before walking off. They continued walkeing until they stopped to eat. "look a frog. So cute " yuji picked the frog up and inspected it. Nanami sighed, looking at yuji, "Don't pick that up, it might be poisenis." Satoru squinted at the frog, "Doesn't look like the poisonous ones, looks more like a toad." Yuji then put the frog in front of Nobara. Nobara screamed before scrambling to her feet and rushing behind megumi.
The frog in question just lept back onto the tree it came from, clingy on to a branch and climbing back to the top.

"We should head back." Satoru checked the time, "it's getting late and more frogs will come and eat Nobara." Nobara was about to say something but bit her tongue and left it. "Wow you shut up for once." Megumi said.
"Stop being so sassy." Nobara snapped. On the way back, frogs did show up. The frogs either on trees or in Nobara's disgust, on the floor. They finally returned and Nobara went to her tent to get over the joerney back from frog town.

The afternoon came and wen, the moon as bright as ever. The sky a dark blue and the sky clear of any clouds. Satoru had a towel around his whole body, everyone else was in tents. He dropped the towel around him before stepping into the cool water. He slowly lowered himself into it. His head above the water as he lay there, eyes closed. "Hey." Kento took his clothes off. Leaving his boxers before joining his lover in the stream. "Hi." Silents fell before Kento pulled Satoru into his arms, kissing him on the neck and shoulders. "You are beautiful." Kento breathed before kissing Satoru on the lips.
"Night." 'Megumi said, looking at the two with a blank expression. Yuji peered over Megumi's shoulder to see the two adults, "Woah, were you guys making out?"
"Bed the both of you:" Kento said, "And pleas don't talk about this to Nobara."
"I won't and don't care." Megumi went back into the tent.
"Ok." Itadori said a little amused. He then zipped his tent up and the two were alone again. They finished washing before wrapping towels around themselves and heading back to there tent. Satoru lay close to Kento, "Im so tired." Kento turned to look at Satoru, "then close your eyes." Satoru scoffed, "Jenious this one." Kento chuckled before kissing Satoru's neck, smelling the sweet sent that came from it. "Goodnight my love."
"Night Kento."

Gojo opened his eyes to see nothing but darkness. He sat up and decided to go outside. He slipt his shoes on and crawled his way out the tent. The same scenery as the night before greeted him as well as something else. The wolf from the previous night stood waiting. "Hello again." Gojo stood up straight, ready to follow the grey wolf. The wolf turned and walked off, looking back to make sure Satoru was following it. Satoru took a breath before strolling over. Kento got out the tent to spot Satoru walking to the trees. "Where are you going?"
"Just come and follow me!" Satoru yelled back. Kento sighed before following. The night sky was blue and illuminated the forest grounds. Before Satoru spotted the same low hanging tree. The same light peeking through it's leaves. "Here." Satoru walked through it. "Satoru." Kento has no idea what was going on and pushed the leaves aside. He was met with the beautiful waterfall. All Kento did was gape at it as Satoru walked further in. Satoru turned to look at Kento. "So?"
Kento only looked on, "yeah it's very beautiful." Kento stepped further in. Satoru softly smile, "right?"

Kento felt something in his stomach when he saw Satoru stand in front of the waterfall with eyes glimmering. "God I'm so lucky." Kento whispard. He recognised the feeling in his stomach from when him and Satoru were young. Satoru looked at him confused, "how so?" Kento's mouth curved into a smile, "because I'm with you." Satoru was about to walk over to Kento when he Hurd a splash behind him. He turned to see the wolf sitting on the grey rock in the water. "I think it wants me to follow it." Satoru started stepping towards the water. "Love, I don't think you should." Satoru was already next to the wolf. The wolf jumped in. "Why does it do that?" Satoru mumbled. "Ok we can go now." Satoru turned to face Kento, "the wolf did the same thing as the other night."
"Cool but I think we should head back." Kento put a hand on the low tree. Satoru was about to step back on the shore when he tripped over the edge of the rock. He gasped before he fell in. "Satoru!" Kento was about to go toward the water before he found himself out side facing the low tree. He pushed it aside to be looking at the large willow tree from the morning.

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