Chapter 3

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The next morning everyone wakes up as Heather records Josh.

Heather: So, you heard noises last night?

Josh: l totally heard noise.

Heather: See, the problem is, l sleep like a fucking rock.

Josh: It was like there were two separate noises coming from two layers of space over here and one of them was kind of, like... One of them could have possibly been an owl, but the other one was, like, a cackling... Was a definite...

Heather: No way.

Josh: It was a total cackling, man.

Mike: If I heard a cackling, I would've shit in my pants.

Y/N: Come on, we should probably start packing up and leaving.

They all pack as they view the map.

Josh: Where'd we start out yesterday?

Heather: Off the map.

Josh: Off the map.

Heather:' Cause I knew where we were going. Though I know there was some confusion, but today...

Josh: Wait, wait, wait. Say that again. l said,

Heather: "I knew where we were going."

Josh: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Would that be a full-of-shit statement?

Heather: No, I did...

Josh: Would that be a full-of-shit statement?

Heather: I did know where...

Josh: All I'm saying is that you got us lost, man.

Heather: For a very brief amount of time.

Josh: Okay. Just don't get us lost today.

Heather: It was very brief. Yeah, serious. I'm not. l know where all of these places are. They're all very well-documented.

Josh: So, what's up? Are you happy with the way the documentary's going?

Heather: Yes, I am. Yeah.

Josh: Yeah?

Heather: And I'm very pleasantly surprised by our little Mikey.

Mike: "Our little Mikey"?

Y/N: Our little Mikey.

Mike, Y/N, and Heather laugh.

Mike: So, what's up?

Heather: He's a very spirited young man.

Mike: I mean, what's your take on the Blair Witch at this point? Do you think she exists?

Heather: I don't know. I don't know.

Y/N: I think she does...

Soon after, they all are hiking together.

Josh: Y/N, I really wish you'd found a trail...

Y/N: There's a trail on top of this hill, don't worry. It is a trail.

Josh: This is not a trail.

Heather: We like shortcuts, don't we?

Josh: We like level shortcuts. We don't like mountainous shortcuts.

Heather records Mike's chest.

Heather: It's a little warmer today, so this is the first time we're seeing Mike's chest. lt's really hard to pick up on video, actually. Mike has really sporadic hair patterns on his chest.

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