The Summoning

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The flames licked at the wick as Vincent pulled the match away he pressed the match into the floor away from the red circle. He moved back assuring the matching pentagram was on his hand. He looked over at the textbook. He did not need it. He had memorized the scripture word by word. He relit a new match and held it in the hand that did not have a pentagram on it. He closed his eyes as he took a deep breath before opening them again. He held it right in front of his face. Focusing his eyes on the burning flame in front of him. "Vocatio crepituum crepituum convocantium, hoc est crepitus evocationis sonus. Volo vocare daemonium." 

A bright red light illuminated from the summoning circle. He closed his eyes, but kept his posture. He peaked his eyes open to see a large shadow arise from the pentagram. A black shadowy figure began to emerge from the pentagram. An ear piercing screech emerged from it as it pulled itself out. A pair of its body went up to the ceiling. Though as soon as its head reached the ceiling the shadow around the demon vanished as it shrunk inside. "Ouch!" It shouted as it landed on the floor. Vincent raised a brow as he examined the demon he had summoned. A pair of black horns emerged from the sides of his heads and curled up in each other. His skin, while still pale, had a slight tan. His hair was messy and was some odd mix of a light brown, and red. When the demon looked up Vincent could see his eyes were a deep red with black pupils that looked like they belonged to a cats. When he looked up at Vincent he could see the confusion. Which in turn led to Vincent's confusion. This was nothing like the demons he expected. Hell this wasn't even the demon he wanted to summon. 

"What are you?" Vincent asked as he got slightly closer to the demon. "Well you summoned me, what do you think?" The demon said as he scratched his head. Vincent sighed as he walked over to his textbook of demons. "What's your name?" He said as he began to dig through the pages. "Uhhh Rody?" Rody? What demon was named Rody? He had never even heard of that said demon. "Wait, are you a priest?" A laugh emerged from Rody. "A priest summoned a demon? What on earth!" Rody was still laughing as Vincent slammed the book shut. Quickly silencing the demon. "You weren't who I meant to summon." He muttered as he walked over. He needs to do the whole sanance all over again. "Wait, Wait, Wait!" Vincent paused from destroying the circle. "Let's make a deal! I can literally do anything any other demon can do. Please, please. Please. Let's make a deal!" Vincent looked up at him. He thought about it for a few moments. He was annoying as hell, but he may work just as well. Who knows with his appearance he may even be passable as an average human. "Anything you say?" Vincent said as he raised his brow. "Yes, even better, I won't even charge your soul." Vincent narrowed his eyes in suspicion. Rody picked up well on it. "Look just what do you want?" Rody asked. As Vincent relaxed. 

"I would like you to be a guard dog of sorts." Rody seemed a little confused. "I've been dealing with several vandals as of recent, but also a few other issues of people trying other advances." Rody relaxed a bit more. "Oh, yeah I can do that." "So what's your end of the deal? You said you wouldn't charge me my soul, and while I have my doubts you are being true to your words. What do you get out of it?" Rody gave him a smile. "Well if you are fearful of vandals, thiefs, and assassins, allowing me to remain up here and live in the church seems like a good option, or you must allow me to properly dispose of the assholes." It sounded like a solid deal to him. Even though he knew it may come with some backwards turn. The assholes did deserve it. "Fine, you have a deal." Vincent said as he held his hand out for a shake. Rody held his out. His hands were rather muscular, yet quite smooth. As they shook hands. Vincent couldn't help but feel a burn in his soul as they did so. Yet he paid no mind to it. As they parted Rody gave a smile. One that Vincent couldn't tell if it was filled with malice, or with friendliness. "Oh before you go anywhere, would you mind freeing me from the pentagram? Can't really do anything in this while you have it still painted on the floor. Vincent's shoulder slumped. This was going to be a very interesting endeavor.

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