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 Vincent couldn't believe it. Bringing a finger to it he pressed it to one of the horns. Feeling the smooth texture on them. They were real. This was real. "Everything alr... HOLY SHIT!" Rody shouted as he burst into the bathroom. Vincent grabbed him by the shirt collar. "You need to explain this. NOW!" Vincent shouted before shoving him away. "Okay, okay, first of all you need to calm down." Rody said as he placed his hands on Vincent's shoulders before quickly examining his horns. "Even I'm surprised they've grown. Especially this early." Rody muttered, more to himself. "What does that mean?" Vincent shouted as he pushed away. Rody's tail dropped as a guilty expression crossed his face. "Rody I need an explanation, now." Vincent said as Rody sighed. "It has to do with possession. Basically if a demon possesses a mortal enough times they can grow horns. This had nothing to do with length of possession. Afterall a demon could stay years in the body and when leaving the mortal won't grow horns. The reason they do grow is because if a demon used a mortal's body to do unspeakable activities why would a mortal let them possess them again. Though usually it takes about thirteen possessions, and I'm fairly certain I haven't possessed you that many times." "And you didn't think to disclose this information sooner because..." Vincent made a motion for Rody to continue. 

"You really seemed to enjoy being able to taste and I couldn't take that away from you." Vincent felt his heart warm up at that sentence. Rody wanted him to be happy. A small blush dusted his cheek. "Okay then why am I growing them now?" Vincent said as Rody shrugged. "If I had to make a guess. I think it has to do with your soul." Vincent raised a brow. "Part of the reason horns grow is because it's showing the demon that a mortal may make a good addition to Hell. After all, why let a demon in your body multiple times to do wicked deeds if one didn't enjoy it? Since you have been an accomplice in a massacre and committed a few murders, and cannibalism it's safe to say your soul is pretty corrupt." Vincent growled. Of course this was happening. He already figured he was rather unholy and masquerading around like he was, but this was just showing it. What would his followers think when they see them? He had church tonight. "So how do we fix them?" Rody gave a sheepish look. "About that... you can't?" Rody said quietly. "What?" Vincent said. His voice was rather deep as Rody shrunk in on himself. "Okay, okay, there are some solutions. Just ones you're probably not going to like because I can't really do shit." "What do you mean you can't do shit. You helped caused this, how the fuck can you not fix this?!" Vincent shouted. "I'M A REGULAR CLASS DEMON!" Rody shouted. His eyes grew darker as Vincent shut up. Rody relaxed a bit. 

"I'm not some higher up demon. Outside of just making deals, taking souls to the underworld and some other basic demon magic I can't do everything. Horns are related to your soul, and I don't have any more control other than convincing you to give it up, and or corrupting it. If you want your horns removed you would have to summon a prince of hell, or someone from the Goetia. Though you'd likely end up in hell either way because they really would charge your soul just for horn removal. The only real way right now for you to get rid of them is for me to stop possessing you entirely and for you to pray, like for over a month." "I beg your pardon?" Rody had to be joking. At this point he didn't even know why he was still a priest. He's practically lost all sight of religion, and he'd expected to pray to get rid of them. Not to mention he won't be able to taste anything now. Now more savory meat going down his throat. "I mean they'll just grow bigger if I keep possessing you. So not possessing you for a while seems like the best option." Vincent groaned. "I have church tonight, how the hell am I supposed to hide them? I can't just wear a hat." Rody tilted his head. "I mean if I just..." Rody began messing with the bangs on Vincent's hair. "There. As long as nobody touches it, or you don't sneeze you should be fine." Rody said as he moved Vincent over slowly. Sure enough the stubs were definitely less visible. 

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