
300 12 18

T.W: Cannibalism, mutilation


Vincent looked over at James. His chest rising and falling. His wrists and legs tied together as he remained over the counter. Vincent had changed into his pajamas from that morning. For now he was just leaning against the counter. A cigarette in between his lips as Rody was taking care of the bodies down stairs. Eventually he arrived back upstairs. His clothes were noticeably stained. "We're going to have to throw those in the wash as well." Vincent said as he blew out a cloud of smoke. Rody just shrugged. "If it means I get to be bathed again I don't mind." Rody said as he leaned over on the counter near Vincent. Vincent scoffed. "That was one time, you should know how to pamper yourself." Rody rolled his eyes as Vincent waved him off and walked over to James. He was getting impatient. He just wanted to start feasting on his limbs right now. Watching the blood leak out of his body and seeping onto the floor. "Did you cast the spell already?" Vincent asked. Rody snapped his fingers. "Now I did. It should work as long as we don't decapitate him, give him head shots, or slash his chest." Rody said as Vincent nodded. Taking another inhale of smoke before leaning over James. Removing the cigarette he blew smoke into his face. James began to stir and cough before his eyes opened. "Finally. I was getting bored." Vincent said as James began to frantically look around the room. Quickly eyeing Rody against the counter. 

"Vincent, the demon. He's still present." James said. "I have a name you know." Rody replied back as James quickly looked over at Vincent and then the demon. His eyes went wide as a smile began to creep onto Vincent's face. "You. You're working with the demon!" He shouted. "I should've known you were working with an agent of Satan the minute I met you." Vincent said nothing as James continued to shout. "You. You Killed My son! DIDN'T YOU?!" James shouted before Vincent stabbed the cigarette next into the counter next to his ear. Extinguishing it. "I never touched your kid. The kid you decided to send over and vandalize my church." Vincent said as James shut up. Vincent stood back up straight. James's eyes drifted over to Rody. Rody shrugged. "Would've been a bit better if he was a little older. The meat's less raw when they're still young." James began to struggle. Trying to roll off the counter. Rody pushed him back on. "Nu uh, you ain't going anywhere." Rody said as Vincent walked over to the knife holder. Pulling out a large steak knife. "Tell me Rody. What would you recommend starting with when dismembering a body?" Vincent asked as he returned over. Rody smiled as he looked back down at James. "Well I'd start with the legs. Makes it harder for them to escape." "WHAT?!" James screamed before Rody pulled out a roll of duct tape. 

James's struggle was now intensifying as Rody tore off a piece and slapped it over his mouth. "For the love of god, shut the fuck up. The more you struggle the more painful it is. Also I recommend removing his clothes. Makes it easier to get to what you want to get." Vicent nodded as he began to undo James's belt. Tugging his pants down. Before removing his shoes, and removing his pants completely. James continued to struggle so Rody began to lean on his chest. "God, you struggle far too much." Rody said as Vincent removed his boxers. As soon as he did, Rody burst out laughing. "Did he fuck you with something that small?" Rody asked through snickers. "No, he was the one who was begging me to fuck him." Rody once again began to burst out laughing. Before looking over at James. "What kind of pathetic lump of a human do you have to be the one talking about how you're high above other mortals when your dick is barely an inch." James's face began angry as he began mumbling something under the tape. This only seemed to delight Rody further. "What's wrong? I can't hear you. Maybe you should speak up." Vincent would be lying if he said he didn't find the situation minorly amusing. "Alright shut, we got work to do. Vincent said as he held the knife over James's ankle. "I wouldn't cut it there." Rody said. Vincent moved the knife a bit higher. About half way up his calf. "Not there." Vincent growled. "Here. Let me." Rody said as he leaned over Vincent's shoulder, his arms wrapping around his waist. "You may." Vincent said as he steadied himself on the counter. This time blood did not leak from his nose. Though his nostrils felt a bit like they might still bleed. 

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