Living With the Demon

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Vincent groaned as he turned onto his back. Every morning he had expected to wake up and realize everything he had done was a dream. That of course was until he opened his eyes. Met with a pair of red eyes, and Rody's face mere inches away from his. Vincent let out a yelp as he punched Rody in the face. "OW!" Rody shouted as he fell backwards. "What on Earth do you think you are doing?" Vincent shouted as he sat up. "I was wondering when you were going to get up, I'm bored." Rody whined. Vincent sighed. "I'm going to shove you back into a room with crucifixes again." Vincent mumbled to himself as he got up. He walked over to his closet and grabbed some clothes. "Anybody around last night?" Vincent asked as Rody flopped onto his bed. 

"I mean there were a few punks with their spray paint, though it wasn't too hard to scare them off by shouting at them. Though it's safe to say they may never come back after that fright." Vincent didn't want to know what Rody meant by that, but also didn't care. "Did they leave any graffiti?" Vincent asked. "I already got you covered. Cleaned it up myself. Oh also I did catch a man breaking in. I took care of him already." Rody said as Vincent raised a brow. He could've sworn he had locked every door and window. "Where did he get in?" Vincent asked. "The kitchen. He managed to crack the window open with a rock." Vincent muttered a curse under his breath as he walked to his restroom to change. He had once had a nice house, but since stuff like this continued to happen so often moving out was a better option. Yet what house, or apartment would be safe. Eventually anyone who broke in would find them. So here he was. Living in a church. It was too bad. Plus it meant he really didn't need to hire any labor since he was the one cleaning all of it most of the time. He changed into his usual priest clothing before leaving his room and walking towards the kitchen. Rody followed him. Their footsteps echoing on the carpeted floors. Vincent walked much faster as he did need to check on the window. 

"Hey, no need to sweat it too much, I already repaired it for you." Vincent merely ignored the demon. Though as he entered the kitchen and turned on the lights he noticed Rody had been true to his words. There was only one window in the kitchen. Large in width, but not so much in length. It was positioned near the ceiling. Meaning whoever broke in must have used a ladder or dumpster to help them reach. Everything appeared as normal. Bringing relief to Vincent. "Well thanks for that." Vincent said as Rody smiled. "Of course. We did make a deal after all." Rody replied with a smile that struck Vincent as rather odd. He paid it no mind and walked over to the fridge. Grabbing some pre-sliced fruit and bringing them over to the counter. As he did something shiny caught his eyes. He looked over to see the silver metal sink with tints of red mixed in with the water. Vincent cautiously approached. "I wouldn't..." Rody paused as it was too late. 

Inside the sink were three different knives. One of which came from the kitchen, the other two Vincent didn't know where their origin was. Though the most startling was to see a revolver shoved into the corner. Little black stippling remained in some of the drops of red water beside. Vincent stared back at Rody. The demon had an unreadable expression but it seemed rather proud. As if a human life had meant nothing to him at that moment. It was rather disgusting, yet intriguing. "What did you do?" Vincent asked slowly. "You said you wanted me to take care of them, and you do not prevent me from doing so. That was the deal. So I took the liberty of making sure it would never happen again." Rody gave a sinister smile. Vincent felt his heart pounded as Rody approached him. Almost seeming to tower over him. It was kind of hot. Vincent quickly shook the thought from his head. He managed to push him away. There was nothing he could do to stop what Rody was doing. "Clean the rest of this up." Vincent said as he walked over and grabbed a blender from the cabinet above him. He may pray for that soul that night. Though he was curious. What was the person's goal? Breaking into the church for what? The sound of the faucet water provided background noise as Vincent began to pour some of the batches of fruits into the blender. 

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