A New Desire

366 13 14

T.W: Cannibalism


Vincent awoke to the sun peeking through the window. He rubbed the sleep away from his eyes. He tried to remember when he last slept as soundly as he did the previous night. He felt all giddy inside and he wasn't sure if it was because after so long he finally could taste something again, or if perhaps it was the excitement from the previous evening. Vincent wasn't sure, and at this point he really didn't care. "Good morning." Rody said as he floated above the edge of his bed. Reading away at the book he had left in the basement. "Good morning to you as well. Did anything happen last night?" Vincent asked. Rody shook his head. "He was the only one who bothered you." Vincent nodded as he got out of bed. That's how it needed to be. He walked over to the bathroom. Fixing his hair and peeing before leaving it and walking to the kitchen. Rody followed suit. "I'm surprised you didn't change into some clothes beforehand." Rody said as Vincent shrugged. "Why would I when we're about to get our hands messy again." Rody couldn't really disagree with him about that. As he had breakfast to make. "So what are we going to do? Am I going to possess you to eat them again?" Rody asked. "Yep. You get an arm and a leg, and I get an arm and a leg." Rody smiled. "I like where this is going." Rody replied as the two entered the kitchen. 

Vincent walked over and grabbed a plate, a fork and a steak knife. "I think we should save one of the limbs for lunch. See if anybody comes in for supper." Rody said as he grabbed an arm and a leg out of the freezer and brought them over to the table. Placing them down next to the silverware Vincent was placing down. "I think that's a good idea." Vincent said as he stood back. "Which one do you want to start with?" Rody asked. Vincent wasn't quite sure. Both seemed like good options. "Which one do you suggest?" Vincent asked. As Rody took a second to think about it. "I would suggest the arm." Vincent nodded as Rody walked behind him. He cupped his jaw in his right hand, and moved his left one to cup the right side of his waist. "May I?" Rody asked. "You may." Vincent replied as he felt Rody go through his body. Sending shivers up his body as he fell to his knees. His body hunched over as blood began to drop from his nose. His chest took a deep breath in as Rody made him stand up. "Alright, now time for breakfast." Rody said aloud as he sat at the table. He unwrapped the plastic wrap over the arm and placed it on the plate. The limb's blood had dried around it. With messy tendrils slipping out from it. "Wouldn't it be better to warm it up first?" Vincent asked as Rody shrugged. "You'd be surprised how versatile human meat is. You've tasted it fresh, now cold." Rody replied. "I think it's frozen." Vincent replied as Rody sighed. "One second then." Rody said as he stood up. 

Without warning Vincent was launched forward. He nearly fell to the floor but was caught by Rody. His nose was still bleeding as Rody helped him stand up straight. Vincent walked over to grab the tissue box. Alongside put on up his nose to help with the bleeding. Though he could smell cooked meat. When he turned back Rody had a flame at his fingertips as he moved it up and down over the arm. It was then Vincent realized that the arm and legs were missing the clothes. "Did you burn his clothes?" Vincent asked. "Yep. I just shoved the ashes in the corner of that cell. They kind of blend in with the dust." Vincent hummed as he placed the tissue box on the counter behind the table. "Alright it's thawed, but still cold." Vincent nodded as Rody wrapped his arms around Vincent once again. Leaning his head on his shoulder. Vincent closed his eyes as Rody once more entered his body. Vincent braced himself against the counter as his eyes rolled into the back of his head. His legs shaking as Rody once again possessed his body. His chest took a deep breath as he walked back over to the table. "So now we can eat." Rody grabbed the arm. "One of the best things about hands is the fingers. You can easily bite them off like they were a carrot. It's rather difficult to bite your own off because of your brain preventing them, but others it's rather easy." Rody explained as he moved a finger over to his mouth. 

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