Bits of Comfort

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 Vincent shut the door to his room, and then the bathroom. His body slumped down still shaking. He had just killed a kid. He let Rody kill multiple. Their blood was on his hands. What had he gotten himself into? Even with the powers of a demon at his fingertips it wouldn't prevent him from going to jail. Especially when their parents noticed they were missing. Yet something was wrong. He should be feeling upset, horrified. He should be praying to the lord for his mercy, yet all he felt was numb. They were kids. They still had a life ahead of them. They had a chance to grow, and change and he had just let them die, and after all that all he could feel was nothing. No remorse, no pain, no sadness. A small chuckle escaped his lips, then a laugh. Not a happy laugh. It was maniacal, insane. Tears began to swell in his eyes. Sliding down onto his face as he continues to laugh. He had truly lost it. His chest began to ache with the lack of oxygen entering his lungs. Causing him to take heft breaths of air. Giving him some sense of calm. A pair of gentle knocks startled him. "What?" He shouted. His voice sounded more upset than angry. 

"Hey, I've cleaned up the blood, and the bodies, and uhm, when you're done in there I was wondering if I could shower?" Rody said as Vincent took a shaky breath. Doing his best to regain his composure. Looking at himself in the mirror he looked like a disaster. His hair was ruffled. Some blood spatter had landed on his hands. Some of it even smudged on his face as he wiped away his tears. Taking a sniff. It had felt like ages since he had last cried. Looking over at the tub it felt enticing, yet he doubted he had the courage to shower now. Besides, Rody probably looked worse than him. He walked over to the door and opened it. Rody definitely needed a shower more than him. He was almost entirely covered in blood. Not to mention his clothes were soaked in blood, and some spray paint. They would need to be washed as well. "You can use the shower first." Vincent replied. Rody raised a brow. "Are you sure?" Vincent stepped aside as Rody entered the bathroom. He looked over into the tub. Scanning the walls around him seemingly confused. "What is it now?" Vincent asked, his impatience clear. Rody flinched slightly. Giving a sort of embarrassed look. "Your showers are a lot different from the ones in hell, and well I don't really know how to..." Vincent let out a frustrated groan. "Do you even know how to clean yourself?" Rody looked off to the side. "Seriously, have you never had a bath in your life?!" Vincent shouted. Rody looked minorly offended. "I will let you know I have, it's just, well..." "Well what, straightforward answers are not that hard." Vincent berated as Rody's tail dropped. 

"People walk around with blood stains for weeks in hell and almost nobody bats an eye. Even if it's very easy to get dirty in hell, nobody does anything for weeks. Besides, the undead souls sent to us usually smell horrible so we're already used to it." Vincent sighed, of course things would be different in Hell than they would on Earth. Even if Rody was fine looking like he had just come straight from a horror film it wasn't doing any good for Vincent. Not to mention he would likely have to help clean up the rest of the mess in there. Considering Rody mentioned nothing about cleaning the spray paint off. "Move aside." Vincent said as he walked over. Rody raised a brow as Vincent placed the plug over the drain before running the faucet on for hot water. "Are you okay with hot water?" Vincent asked as he looked back at Rody. Rody nodded slowly. "As long as it's not too hot." He replied. Vincent placed his hand under the faucet. Feeling the water slowly warm to a decent temperature. Vincent held it under for a few minutes to assure it would not get any warmer. Once satisfied he looked at the rest of the tub. Watching as the water rose. When the tub was filled half way Vincent shut the water off. "Take off your clothes, and get in. I'll be back." Vincent said with a monotone voice. 

"Wait what?" Rody exclaimed but Vincent paid no mind. Instead leaving him in the bathroom confused. Vincent walked over to his wardrobe scanning over what he had to see if anything would fit Rody. His frame was quite muscular, but he was shorter than him. When nothing in his closet seemed to suit him, Vincent walked over to his dresser. He pulled out an oversized t-shirt, considering that would likely fit him. Before digging through another drawer and settling on a pair of sweatpants, and blindly picking a pair of boxers before walking into the bathroom without any forewarning. Quickly hearing the sharp screech as the shower curtain was closed. Vincent looked over to see Rody's clothes laid flat on the floor. He walked over picking up the heavily stained apparel. The cloth was dampened due to the massacre but there were parts that felt a little rough. "How long has it been since you washed these?" Vincent asked. "A week." Rody replied as Vincent let out a disgusted sigh. He picked up Rody's shoes. Throwing them to the side as soon as he exited the bathroom before walking down to the basement. Making a left turn at the stairs to the washer, and dryer. He threw Rody's clothes into the washer, but didn't stop. Knowing he would likely have to clean his own as well. When he returned to the restroom he heard the sound of splashing. "What are you doing?" Vincent asked as he walked in. "Trying to get the blood off of my face. "Rody replied. 

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