Pt.19 the dream

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K this going to be a really short chapter it's just going to be the dream then a short talk after

Y/n pov


I was at the carnival but I was all abandoned and there was icy growing everywhere

All the lights on the rides were off except for some leading down to the Farris wheel

I looked at the Ferris wheel and the lights of that ride were on and it was spinning and I could hear laughs but no one was on it

I was then somehow in the ride and it spun until I got to the top then it stopped

I looked around and beside me was Jake

He pushed me off but before I hit the ground I appeared in a parking lot

I looked around it was fulled with cars everywhere

I heard footsteps behind me quickly getting closer

I started running always through the cars until I bumped into Jake

He grabbed my shoulders and started talking

I could understand him but he was yelling

He hit me in the face like he did before

I tried hitting back but it was like there was 5o pound weights weighing my hands down

I tried to scream but couldn't

He began punching me and I soon fell back

He then kicked me repeatedly and started dragging me by my feet

I was kicking and punching but it didn't do anything

I couldn't get away or yell I could only try to wiggle from his grasp

He kept dragging me and then brought me to the entrance of the carnival

He stopped tied my hands and out duct tape on my mouth

He then dragged me to the ferris wheel and put me onto one of the carts

It started moving and we slowly went up off the ground and the same thing happened as before as soon as we reached the top the ride stopped

I tried to stop his but he picked me up and threw me off the side again but this time I hit the ground

I woke up almost screaming

I jolted up gasping and I couldn't catch my breath, I was sweating and I felt a hand on my shoulder

I quickly turned around almost punching Benny in the face

He stopped me

I soon calmed down and caught my breath as Benny held me trying to help me take deep breaths

Looked over at his clock sitting up

"Uhh benny why is there a flannel on ur clock" I chuckled pointing to it

"Oh yeah it's just so I didn't constantly look at it because I couldn't fall asleep for a while" he said yanking the flannel off the clock

I looked back at the clock now I could see the time

3:03 am

I looked back at Benny

"We're you already awake or did I wake you?" I hoped he said he was awake I didn't like when I woke people up

"I was already awake don't worry" he said

"Uhm did I kick you or anything?" I ask nervously

"Kick me? Nah" he chuckled

"Okay good"

523 words

Hey y'all leave any feedback on the story that you have here

I am not liking how much time I'm spending on this and they haven't even had a single second of like "oooo" or like juicy moment yk?

So I'm going to be making a lot of the chapters either
shorter, juicier or a whole
lotta time skips

But I love y'all so much and byeeee :)

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