Pt.63 jordans back

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Y/n pov
I wake up Benny by my side still asleep

I was still laying on him with his arms wrapped around me and mine wrapped around him

I roll over gently escaping his grasp without him waking up

I get up and grab myself the normal outfit I wear every day

I go into my bathroom changing into my clothes and then leaving

Benny was still asleep and he looked so peaceful that I didn't want to wake him

So I went downstairs making a cup of coffee

As I stir the sugar into the coffee I feel two arms wrap around my waist

"Jesus!" I turn and see Benny sighing in relief

"Sorry for scaring you" he mumbled

"It's okay, did I wake you?" I ask

"No I woke up because well after a whole person lays on you for hours it feels different when they leave" i nod

"Ohhh yeah guess I didn't think of that" I giggle

I move the cup of coffee onto the stove out of the way and turn around

I hop into the counter sitting facing Benny

He walks closer and wraps his arms around me as I wrap my legs around his back and my arms around his neck looking down at him

"I'm going to kiss you now" Benny mumbles

"Ok" I whisper as our lips connect

Our mouths move in sync as the kiss grows deeper

We continue making out before I hear a door unlock and open

I push Benny away and hop off the counter as I see Jordan

"Y/n I'm home! Ohhhh and I see you have a 'friend' over" Jordan wiggles his eyebrows smirking

"Hey Jordan" I greet my brother rolling my eyes playfully

"Hey I'm just going to go unpack now you kids have fun.. but not to much!" He says walking up the stairs

I scoffed before feeling Benny once again wrap his arms around me

"Why'd you push me away?" He whispers into my ear

I can feel him breathe down my neck sending shivers down my spine

"I don't know" I take a sip of coffee

"Mhmm you sure about that princessa?" I know he's grinning even if I can't see his face

"I just didn't want Phillips seeing" I sigh

"I mean I just don't understand why you are my girlfriend isn't it normal for us to kiss?" I nod slowly

He kisses my neck and I smile

"Benny what if Jordan sees?" I ask

"He will deal with it because I want to kiss my girlfriend" I smile

He soon stops kissing my neck and we turn facing eachother

He kisses me and I kiss back

I pull away with my arms still wrapped around his neck

"Your the perfect boyfriend" I smiled

"I know" he says leaning in and giving me one last kiss before leaving

"You know even though my mom probably hasn't noticed she still might want me back" he says as he pulls away

"Okay how about you go get some of the stuff you have here" he agrees

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